Feels like a great introduction for Metroid, even though the last act feels slightly off.

Still one of the best Souls games out there. May not be the most remarkable, but damn does it have great moments!

It is a pretty solid game. Still have to play the original tho.

TF2 may be my favorite multiplayer game. I just love it.

It is still No More Heroes, but the atmosphere we had in the first game is not 100% present here. Still worthy tho.

Extremly psychotic, one of the best mindf**ks I've ever had with videogames before. It was the game that opened the doors to Suda51 for me, that's why it holds a special place in my heart.

As good as a sequel could be.

It may not be the best installment in the Persona series, but I had lots of fun overall.

My favorite Smash game so far ¯\(ツ)

The game is great, but it could have been so much better... It kinda hurts to remember.