I’m actually in awe of how much I enjoyed this one. Just an excellent experience from start to finish. The Art of Dandori, as explained by the game, is the ability to effectively plan out a strategy to tackle many objectives as efficiently as possible. This seems like whole ethos of the Pikmin series, and it really did hook me.

I ended up 100% completing the game because effective planning out how to tackle everything with my Pikmin army was just so damn fun.

Might be the year to replay the rest of the series, I have the itch now.

My "Oh my god... I get it" moment with the Souls games

I thought the original RE4 was a perfect game, but they somehow improved on it in every way. Will be replaying this game for years to come

One of my favorites of all time, and looking better than ever.
Great release, hoping 2 and 3 get the same love

Honestly, a huge letdown after 4.
Got to the point where you leave Bartz world and just have zero desire to continue.

It’s easy to see how this game launched a franchise, and the pixel remaster is super clean, compared to the NES version. I loved the re-recorded orchestral music. As far as negatives go, holy difficulty spike with that last boss, and some vague objectives, but pretty standard considering the era. All around I had a great time and will definitely be continuing with playing the rest of the series.

An absolute achievement in game design. Amazing combat, amazing exploration, amazing ending and endgame.
Absolutely the frontrunner for my game of the year pick.

The first Final Fantasy where I got attached the characters, I imagine this is the one that kind of kickstarted where the rest of the series would go. Active Time Battle a great addition to the combat, which I loved, some amazing boss fights in this game. Good dungeon design, and the optional sidequest to defeat the God of Summons and claim the power of Bahamut... whew. Anyways, I feel like I GET Final Fantasy now, so I am excited to keep going through the rest of the series.

This one lands somewhere in between 1 and 2 for me. Liked it more than 2, what with the return to a somewhat more traditional leveling system, but also introducing the Job System, and better designed dungeons. But less than 1 for some of the weird world design and quest order things. Overall a good time though, and a fun capstone to the original Famicom trilogy.

An amazing story only slightly held back by the gameplay. Can tell they definitely were inspired by the recent Resident Evil remakes, only slightly less polished. Atmosphere, characters, writing, and music are all top notch.

Platforming bliss. Extremely tight gameplay, only wish it was harder or had more special worlds with challenging stages

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The story being ripped straight out of Star Wars was very funny. I enjoyed my time despite the noticeable step down in world design and dungeons from the first one. Getting to see the origin of series staples like Chocobos and Cid was cool though.

Loses half a star for replacing 'Into Free' with different title screen music.

An amazing first half followed by some truly baffling areas in the second half. Many flaws, but easy to overlook them when the meat of the game is so good

I did not think they could top Breath of the Wild.
I am a very dumb person, apparently