I rented this back in the day, it was an ok platformer but there are far better titles on the N64 in the genre.

I actually quite enjoyed this, it was more polished than Goldeneye in some aspects. I think the single player was better as well. didn't get to play with many people, and you needed the expansion pack in order to play it. I also really like the feature to play against AI bots, that was a very nice addition.

the classic mario kart entry. lots of fun with friends.

another cool entry back when pokemon games were decent. you move on rails to take picture of pokemon and try to influence them from your cart to get them to do things and entice them to come out. cool unique concept at the time.

My favorite game, and one i have countless memories of playing in my childhood. I spent many hours exploring the levels and trying to complete the various trials _ i don't think I even beat it until a few years after I got it, but it has remained with me all this time.
The difficulty is a very nice progression throughout. The levels are unique and full of personality. There is Rareware's unique brand of British 90's humour interspersed without that makes the game so charming. Grant Kirkhope's soundtrack for the game is Iconic, whimsical and gives the world even more character.

Being one of the few RPGs on the n64, i tried this several times, on one attempt i played through about maybe 20 hours but had no real desire to finish it. it's not well designed and even what story is there is not very compelling.

fantastic game. so much to do, so much customization of both your character and the world you can do.
really good for co-op gameplay. i return to it every year to play through it and it doesn't get old due to the procedural generation of worlds.

lots of fun playing with friends. the singleplayer is alright but the multiplayer is where it shines. it kinda clunky going back to it nowadays but you can still find some fun there.

I received Ocarina of Time when it released in 1998, and it blew me away, as I had not played anything like it at the time. Something about the world it crafts and the atmosphere just astounds me and I haven't seen anything quite like it since. there's a heroic tale of good vs evil, but it's layed on top of a world with melancholic undertones and some lesson about maturing and responsibility.

Combat is great, music is great, I love the colorful characters you come across throughout the game. the items are fun to get and to use, and have so much utility. one item can be for combat, for traversal, and puzzle solving all at once.

It wasn't until I became an adult that I saw just how many little hidden secrets and hidden facets of the game there were, and i still enjoy a playthrough once in a while.

this was insane when it came out as it was the first time you could see your pokemon in 3D, and battle them. having an announcer call out the attacks was really cool, some of the animations are still better than the modern games, although with lower resolution. it feels like the attacks have lots of "impact". definitely better to import your own pokemon from the games if you play it though, as the ones that are in the games have very mediocre movesets. the minigames are also very fun.

it's a good collection of kirby games, something similar to the mario all-stars collection though i prefer mario title when it comes to platformers. still a pretty good game though.

One of the best classic JRPGs by the squaresoft dream team. definitely a must-play.

This game is fantastic if you play Co-op, i'm not even sure if single player is available or not. It is so incredibly fun to go from map to map solving puzzles with your friends. being on the gamecube, everything is incredibly polished and it's arguable the best looking 2D zelda created.

fantastic 3D platformer, It was a huge graphical leap when it released. i remember playing this alot at my relative's house as we helped each other cleared the levels, then I would go home and try to do it myself. you can even jump in and just mess around and that's when you know the game is designed well mechanically.

another good stadium title, expanded on Stadium 1. good for importing your pokemon from the gameboy games and battling it out.