Letting it stew for a bit but this IS the best game on the planet, I'm afraid. Uhuh, uh-no yeah I know, I hear you, but you gotta trust me, it IS the best game on the planet.

Pretty cool, conceptually, it's the violent sex-filled fantasy that parents thought their kids were playing DnD for in the 80s, though it's a bit too trial-and-error-y for me to immediately stick to rn. Cool cool I might give it a shot later cool

guhuh forgot to log this one uhhh uhhh it's alright! Truly evokes the fun fantasy adventure you yearned for. :middle_finger: FUCK CONFUSION SPELL !!!

really top tier environments. we can put the rest of it behind us, like the boring combat, whatever happened there

Look man I gotta sell these item's I'll have to talk to you later. Seriously dude I'll talk to you later, I gotta open the shop.

Regrettably I am not a fan of this style of horror game where you have to run around from a killer. There are a lot of design choices I respect, like dying not being an immediate game over, the versatility of tools the killer has, the two long as fuck prologues, but none of these really elevated the game above it being a run-around game in a few tight hallways.

look man someone's gotta blow these goblin's brains out

I like the small scope in this one, it's one house, every little puzzle is telegraphed properly. The camera could be a bit swingy sometimes but it's not terrible. Pretty cool short game that has a good atmosphere

pretty cool unique idea, short and sweet and good vibes


cool little thang you walk around and explore I love the visual styleeee