This is one of those games that you just have to go into it blind and play for yourself. Without spoiling anything else, the gameplay and mechanics are fantastic.

Upgrades and fixes just about everything wrong with Sonic 1 + 2, in addition to adding its own new elements, such as different kinds of shields, less zones, and smooth transitions between said zones.

Neat new ideas for the third handheld title, definitely branches off from the fast gameplay of Sonic 1, 2, and CD on the Genesis. Chaos is once again held back by the limitations of the Game Gear, just like its predecessors.

Sonic CD is everything a Sonic game should be. The biggest change from the previous two mainline titles is the fact that most of the time you can choose between two different paths; one is the extreme speed path, and the other is the slower, but more rewarding enemy-infested path. The only downside is how short the game is.

Again just a watered down version of Sonic 2. More additions and cool ideas, but the end product is held back by screen width and other limitations by the Game Gear.

Watered down Sonic 1 that runs like crap on the Game Gear. Some neat ideas, but hardware limitations are stopped it from being a good game.

Definitely an upgrade to Sonic 1, however the same problems still exist, such as the startup of running, slippery landings, and slightly too many enemies and less speed sections.

'Gotta go fast' sums up what Sonic the Hedgehog should be, but this first entry unfortunately just does not live up to the quote.
The buildup to full-speed sprinting feels sluggish, while some of the level design feels uncertain, as if Sonic Team couldn't figure out if they wanted to put more enemies and less speed sections.

Just what everyone wanted - harder versions of Sonic 3's special stages

Soccer + Car = Soccar

Driving the Batmobile and blowing someone up while flying in the air to hit an oversized soccer ball into the net of an unsuspecting noob never gets old. Neither does trash-talking them and boosting in their face after winning

Absolute garbage port. Should've just put Apex Mobile on Switch intead of having it run at a consistent 10fps and the graphics looking like a watered-down N64 game. Disgusting job and a waste of money for EA and Respawn.

"Welcome to Ape-sex Legends" - Roger Craig Smith

Amazing movement, skill depends on playing with your team and hitting your shots. This is the better Fortnite that everyone wanted.