9 Reviews liked by Waste

What if No More Heroes was called No More Freaks and you played as Travis Freakdown who was a loser otaku wanting to scor- oh wait.

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Gonna start by saying this is still one of the best games we got in this year and I enjoyed a lot of my time with it, but man I feel like the hype of the trailers regarding the story and Kiryu's part set my expectations for it way too high, cause I found myself underwhelmed with the game around the endpoint.
Gameplay is an insane improvement from 7, proximity range my beloved, didn't feel like I had to grind a lot to be able to actually progress, only times I struggles the most were during the chapter with the two cranes and the millenium tower, the default jobs are great, but a little too great cause I didn't feel like actually trying out other jobs as a result outside of just how funny they look
Average Yakuza OST W as always not much to say about it, The Four my goat 🔥
Story had a nice start, character writing is great as always, and I loved Ichiban's relationship with Tomizawa and Chitose, but the story took an absolute dive around the last few chapters where it just started having too many antagonists and too many thread reveals and too many surprised, literally 5 but more bloated (and not as cool), half the time I literally forgot some characters cause they just disappeared never to be seen again until the game suddenly reminds you of them
Substories and Bucket List was honestly a dissapointment, outside of some of the well written ones like Ichiban's rivalry with the MMA streamer and the Bucket List with Date and reconciling with Akiyama and the taxi guy from Yakuza 5 , most of them felt too flat to me or too samey, Bucket List is literally just a fucking slideshow of Kiryu going to random areas and being greeted with a png from a past game, with SOME of them being designed like actual substories, albeit still falling flat in my opinion
Despite the flaws it's still a great game, I just wish the story didn't feel half baked around the last few chapters......

one of the rare occasions where i think just doing the same game all over again would be better

Parrying being the only line of defense (besides a limp backstep) alongside the camera being over the shoulder made me not like this massively overhyped game. I could see the character assassination of Raiden coming from a mile away.

Massive wet fart of an ending to a 10 year long buildup. Things are introduced and never brought up again, Zenos can body-snatch for some reason, hey we just killed a god on the moon, we should go back to earth and check things out, nah let's go hang out with these obnoxious rabbits for 20 quests! The writer's aversions to killing established characters is greatly harming this game's writing and story potential. Obviously, killing off main characters doesn't automatically make the story good. But with a character like Yshtola having a fake-out death in every single expansion, can they at LEAST shake things up for once?
The fanservice by the end was lowering my already low opinion of this expansion. Zenos waltzes into Sharlayan despite being known far and wide as an extremely dangerous person, and the people in Sharlayan just let him hitch a ride to the WOL? Why???

Elpis was okay I guess. Everything bad in the universe being caused by a socially awkward bird girl who we just met 10 minutes ago is kind of....not a good explanation at all. They could've improved it with creative shots of a blue bird or a blue feather interspersed in cutscenes leading up to the arc, but I suppose symbolism is lost on this community, considering there are people who genuinely think Zenos is the next coming of Sephiroth. Hythlodaeus was obvious fujobait and neither he or Emet contributed much to the plot except for blatant fanservice. I barely remember Hermes because I was just so bored at that point it went in one ear and out the other. Post-patch story also blows but I haven't played this game for any more than 20 hours this year so I'm not writing about it (yet).

Gameplay is okay. They keep homogenizing the classes into "build up gauge to use big move" and it sucks really hard, but the trials and content make up for it a bit. ONLY a little bit, though. The Aglaia raids were supposed to match Ivalice's levels of difficulty, but they very much did not. It started off strong but petered off into ARR-esque AOE dodge fests. I didn't finish Panda raids so I don't have much of an opinion on those.
As another review said, there is no real action or combat in this game, just dancing around mechanics and keeping your rotation up. Customization is practically nonexistent in this game. Gear progression is an unending uphill trek, which is standard of MMOs but that doesn't mean it's not boring.

If this is your first exposure to Final Fantasy, there are way better games to play in this series. The constant catering to people who do nothing but afk in Limsa for 8 hours a day is starting to really harm this game.

I think people who bitch about the junction system are just bad at the game. It's literally just a fancy word for equip and you have the option to do it automatically anyway, not to mention a plethora of online resources. Despite the quality of the FF7 remakes, I wouldn't want modern Square to remake this.

Love this game but fuck that stupid fucking pillbug and his dumb shield with a way-too-big hitbox and the -30 health he does every hit FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕You think with 4-5 health upgrades, 30 damage isn't a lot but if you get hit 4 times, that's 120 health gone! What the fuck!
Great game though, other than that piece of shit boss! Not even Boost guardian was this much of a pain.

What if cute thing was actually edgy? Super novel concept I know. I don't even like Pokemon but I know a shit streamer bait game when I see it.

With the original Ni No Kuni being one of my favorite games of all time I had high expectations for the sequel. Alas, Ni No Kuni 2 was a mere shell of the original. Drastically simplified combat, a hollow story, weak original score, and far too easy difficulty made this adventure a bore rather than a magical wonder. The kingdom management sim mechanics were OK but kept the player on too tight of a leash to feel like I was getting anything out of it. It was one of the few genuinely disappointing games I played in 2018, which was a serious bummer.