39 reviews liked by Wavieff

Maybe some of the best attitude in any game. Turtles eat your heart out.

Probably the best game that's less then 10 hours that took me the longest to beat because I would only play it far into the night before midnight and I had some other games I was playing and my online classes until these past few days where I decided to finally finish it.

Definitely the weakest of the golden age of Silent Hill and there are some annoying parts but if I'm being honest I really enjoyed it. I wish Henry could have been fleshed out like they did with James and Heather but the story is pretty interesting. The gameplay is kind of a downgrade since they add this charging machinic to the weapons and they replaced the tank controls with full on movement with the control stick. But the atmosphere is some of the best in the series and it does have some great execution with the apartment especially during the second half where it starts to become haunted and it can no longer heal you meaning you have to rely on health items instead of the room which become more common.

I would say more but honestly I don't want to spoil anything about these 4 games, they are masterpieces of horror that I would recommend to anyone who loves horror games, especially 2.

Oh and for some reason the holy candles didn't work on Eileen for the finale even though it looks like it does at first and I still got a bad ending, does it actually work or is everybody who says that just lying?

Now I wonder if the other games are just as go... sees Silent Hill Ascension, Book of Memories, and Homecoming


Amazing horror experience, really stressful in an awesome cosmic horror way, good atmosphere. I was honestly expecting a bit more for the [ending] but the build up to the ending was really good. The lore is also super neat.

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tbh i really don't like the way it feels like suicide is used for shock value. like it feels like the first playthrough is where you're supposed to see it but it kinda feels lousy bc it's done in a way where it makes you feel like you're responsible for her suicide because you missed some very easily missed and perhaps even vague hints. a new player is actively enticed into chatting all day with "goth gf", which leads into meeting up with her, which leads to you getting locked in to a certain ending

like you're pretty much given a choice between either talking with may or amy with no inbetween, the moment you head out to see amy you're locked into the ending where may kills herself. like why is it my fault for may killing herself when i go out. obviously i'm not saying "suicidal people are on their own lmao" but it should not be the sole responsibility of the mc to pry and watch over and rescue may given the limited context the game provides

the art is pretty but god it just feels ~aesthetic~ for better or worse. like every lesbian in here being a skinny conventionally attractive woman and the room's aesthetic being late 2010s cottagecore girly is. pretty cliche. and suicide to shock the player into doing what they feel the game wants them to do for the """good""" ending rather than what they feel they want to do themselves.

i just

this game left a bad taste in my mouth. across all the loops the vibe i get is "don't you feel bad she killed herself because you made the wrong choices? don't you want to try again and make the ''right'' choices?"

i think the makers of this game have potential. i really do. i wouldn't be surprised if they'd made some 4/5-star material games, but this one. it's a miss for me sorry

Ooooh this game was fun but ohhhhhh man I'm left feeling conflicted and disappointed... The stakes are at an all-time low here, with no time limit and no incentive to grow more Pikmin after finding each onion, though I appreciate the game's confidence in its ease, unlike Pikmin 3. The ending / post-game content was really underwhelming for me. The final cave felt like I was just getting into the neat challenging stuff, but then it was over, no more caves, and no more areas. The story was paced really weirdly too. The main conflict / mystery concluded what felt like very early on, with the story taking a weird meandering nosedive throughout the remaining areas. I was expecting the plot to go in some crazy weird Pikmin-like direction by the end but it just kind of sputters out, leaving the remaining crumbs of content and side missions to complete.

The game is really cool though. I love Oatchi, Moss and the Rescue Corps, some of the QOL improvements are great, the night missions are an interesting change of pace, I like the new creatures (though I feel like there could be more), and the game looks (and sounds) gorgeous. I really liked and appreciated some of the callbacks and references to other entries, but it's a bit disappointing when a large chunk of story beats, cave floors and boss encounters are confidently recycled nearly verbatim from other Pikmin games.

Overall I'd say gameplay / design-wise this is a great game. Spiritually and emotionally, however, it might be the weakest in the series.

This game is fucking ass and I love it

This game had a lot of cool ideas that were either undercooked or probably better on paper. The sword swinging mechanic is quite the blunder on a pretty good to great game. Fun story and characters, nice starting point for the Zelda timeline.

[pacifist route]
It's really good. I've never played it before now but I've seen a gajillion let's plays of the game, so some of the jokes and dialogue kinda felt a little stale and just going through the motions, and that's to be expected at this point, but wow some of the latter parts of the game really got to me. It's what all the quirky indie RPGs try to emulate for a reason.

[edit after doing genocide run]
Yeah idk why I'm so stingy with 5 star ratings, this game is so cool.

i will never understand why this gets the 5-star treatment