Easy game to platnium, and its a nice way to interact with the S.E.E.S team, my only wish was that they didn't do the double of this and Persona 5 Dancing cause it would have been nice to have an actual plot, not "compete to beat the other team and then it doesn't matter" but what can you expect from a blatant cash grab?

One of the pillars of the Persona games, as I get older the struggles the teens go through get more uncomfortable but it jogged and opened the door for the Persona Spin offs. Also Marie is mid, I said it.

I love a good Rhythm game and the persona games are a delightful romp through teenagers killing God through the power of Friendship, with persona 4 focusing on Powerhouse Chad Yu Narukami; but this game left a lot to be desired. The trophies weren't too tedious to get for the platinum but someone on the team clearly had a BDSM fetish because the amount of girls getting tied up (often Teenagers which is a whole other level of fucked up) was a bit ridiculous

Remember when Until Dawn came out and it felt like a playable horror movie and your choices mattered and the characters were stereotypes but you grew to care if they died or not? Yeah strip that all away and you get Man of Medan

Tour de force that appeals to the fans of the old game, newcommers to final fantasy 7 and fans of the franchise as a whole

Characters: Adorable
Gameplay: Fluid and fun as hell, even grinding didn't feel tedious
Story: who the fuck knows (get it together Namura)
I have to replay a bunch of games to regain trophies and I'm holding off this one until I'm having some Sad Bitch Hours to replay and cuddle the Meow-Wows

Devil Trigger is a bop and I will die on this hill, and of course the gameplay was gonna kick ass its platnium games after all but the "twist" was lazy, and whatever the "multiplayer" was was a dumb failure. Like cool someone else is playing the same level, who fucking cares

Getting the platnium trophy was a fucking slog, and personally I like when my Rhythm games have a throughline to keep songs going so the world mode was nice. Killing 100,000 enemies for the final trophy was a ordeal, the final session taking 3 hours playing on the hardest difficulty to get the remaining 14,000ish left after getting all other trophies, to the point I was dozing off while playing

I have my complaints about the story (You know what you fucking did Namura), and I hate the attractions but this to date is the best Kingdom Hearts game, hands down. Did I cry during the ending, and once more during the dlc: absolutely.

I hope that the pokemon company takes to heart that this was an excellent step in the right direction to keep pokemon from becoming stale but as many first attempts there are a lot of ways that this could be improved. Clunky boss fights, hit or miss groups of pokemon and the never ending threat of getting your ass handed to you by an angry snorlax definitely makes it a game to remember, for better or ill

The Gimmicks are Cute and the game is fun, but Very heavy handed with the message that it makes it hard to enjoy the subversion of a trope when its crammed down your throat.

Aqua deserves the world.
Now that that's out of the way, I like the way they do prequel-esque things and they deserve props for having you play the same worlds 3 times yet make each experience feel unique and not same-y. The characters could use some work in their interactions, but unfortunately that is a hallmark of the series as a whole

Yes I know that having to do the same thing over and over again can turn people off but this hit when I began drinking in college and seeing the world change slightly from iteration to iteration was amazing. Also the job system was fun to experiment with and the perks from maxing a job out you were encouraged to master all the jobs with every character making the perfect team

Although my city is probably in ruins, I loved building the city and getting all the nintendo property clothing and finding the various -oids when it rained

Battle mechanics: smooth
Story: who fucking knows
World Choices: Some of the best in the series (Minus Atlantica because fuck that noise)