Miss me with a fourth wall break. I am not here to be a part of the game Square Enix. Other than that it was faithful to the previous title with some expansion of the main cast plus some fun new job opportunites. Also they did learn their lesson and this game was shorter than the previous. For better it didnt repeat the predecessor's most commonly complained about flaw; for worse it made it more tedious to do all the stuff you could in the first game, which is not only back, but you also have to defeat all enemies multiple times to get all the journal entries which were not worth it for anecdotal remarks from the characters about the enemies

Little did teenage me know that this would introduce him to a world of Atlus games that would consume him mind, soul, and bank account. From the Devil Auction, the chance for characters to die and multiple endings with real consequences for the characters involved marked a revolution in my gameplaying tastes.

Dont get me wrong, time travel stories can be very hit or miss, but this one didn't miss. Granted the twists were more often than not predictable but by giving romance options this game truely opened a pandora's box for the fire emblem franchise as a whole.

This game wants to be Fire Emblem awakening and fails because it doesnt have the charm, story or a good explaination for why your eugenics children are time travelling. Also this being only like one third of the story and not even being the "canon" version of this tale can fuck right off

I really need to replay this because I do want to try and get some of the characters I missed out on in my intial playthrough. Once you get through the ick of people raised like siblings end up together, its a great fire emblem over all. Definitely better than Fates thats for damn sure.

Linkle was a good idea but terrible execution. The premise is fine but this Dynasty Warriors type of combat is not for everyone. If you are a die hard zelda fan i dont think you'll lose too much missing this one, but different strokes for different blokes.

This was such a great zelda game where it introduces a mechanic and then allows you to master it throughout the game. Renting your items until you can buy them was amazing but finding those maiamai children to upgrade your tools was a pain in the balls and honestly how do you lose 100 kids Mother Maiamai needs a visit from CPS.

I played this all the time in middle school with my Gameboy Micro in my desk instead of paying attention in math, but honestly I thought the remaster would play off my nostalgia but rather it felt off and the art style change felt uncanny valley.

Its amazing how far you can get without even using your weapon correctly. I was an Insect Glaive user, made it to Hunter Rank 15 without ever properly using the insect to get the essences.

This was so fun! One of the last games that came out on the 3ds and showed a strong ending for the console. Being able to make your own map on the touch screen as you explore is the best use of the touch screen as a mechanic ever full fucking stop. The ability to mix characters from the 3 big persona games (sorry 1 and 2 maybe someday you'll get your time in the sun) was also great and made you want to mess around with your team .

Alola is a fun region but Z moves aren't it. Oddly enough my favourite mechanic was giving my pokemon beans to make them happy, healthy and strong. Solgaleo was a nice Legendary and the arc you go through to get them is very narratively fullfilling but they tried to change the formula and it missed most it's marks.

This game consumed me in Highschool yet for some reason I cannot for the life of me get it together for a replay now in adulthood. I remember having a lot of fun getting the different endings and the battle system is truely Chef's Kiss

Normally an Atlus re-release is an annoying affair but this felt more like a sequel than a re-release with a new dungeon and new character. Being able to go through the game and live as the background characters from the first was a nice way to relive the game while then converging with the previous one for an excellent climax. Was the theme of the final boss heavy handed? Yeah but not enough to detract from the whole game as a whole

It was fine, nothing to write home about but it did bring us bayonetta so thats a plus in my book

It does give Pokemon clone but successful with some interesting plot points and interesting way to escalate the power of the collectible pets and the mascot of the game is a tragic story, if only it wasn't played for comedic effect.