This game was exactly what the series needed to stay relevant in the modern gaming age while showing that Shin Megami Tensei isn't just for pushing out Persona games. The demon designs were amazing, the combat was perfection and the core theological debate was excellent.

The game that got me into RPGs. This blew my child brain apart having a morality system thst affected the way the game progressed and how other characters in the game saw you. A real tour de force even if the identity of the protagonist was not really a twist.

Contrary to popular opinion, I like this better than the prior game, even though it is an unfinished game. The antagonists are complex and have vary different motivations, the compainions were varied and showed how the darkness of life can take anyone but it isnt the end, and that even the most well wishing individuals can still be kinda a bitch.

Its fine for a yugioh game, lets you play through all the iconic duels from the anime but thats kinda it. The multiplayer was boring and fell by the wayside the second Master duel came out

Steampunk London Setting? Check
A story of a young woman learning the truth of not only her life and place in the world but what it means to be human? Double check

The introduction to Athena Cykes is a tumoiltuous one with a story that can only work in the twisted justice system in place in these games. A felon on death row being one of the main antagonistic prosecuting attourneys with a twist for the final case that was unexpected on the grounds that a twist needs seeds planted prior to be effective.

To finish the apollo justice trilogy in this game was interesting with the introduction of a family dynamic, however it was not exactly as fulfilling as I had wished. By this game the number of mechinics to determine if someone is lying are so convoluted its a miracle the court system in this game gets anything done.

Holy shit, thank god I wasnt playing on Playstation and getting trophies. Just to play the entire "story mode" playing each song once (and the FFXVI DLC) took me 25 hours. With all that I only did around 60% of the game. The choices of which characters from each game to add was interesting, with a good amount of notible characters not getting the Theatrhythm chibi treatment but if I could change 1 thing: instead of doing a bunch of DLC of non-final fantasy properties, since im paying for the FFXVI content, give me some chibi 16 characters. I want a Little Clive!

This was a fun sequel which gave us not only continuations of the 5 main endings, along with two new endings to the original and a side story during the events of the original, but its time to address the elephant in the room. In the side story we see the Heroine make a friend she refers to as "her age" and this girl is 13. Every love interest is a man that is Liberally in his mid 20's (minus Saint Germain who is in the 3000's but I digress). Yes this is Victorian times where the age of consent is different but it still problematises the romances.

So honestly I did not expect a ton out of this game, I mainly picked it up because I tend to enjoy the non-typical Mario franchise games. Yes I was able to beat this game in around 15 hours (not completionist but got a lot done) and the loading screens looked like they were struggling but overall this actually was a lot of fun and a nice change of pace for me, not playing a 100 hour JRPG where I need to kill God at the end is nice every once and a while. Also one level is called "Cowgirl at Dusk" which unfortunately made me think of my ex.

I'm not a huge fan of FPS but due to a friend getting me hooked and loving the ability to have special siren powers so I could just lock someone from a distance and snipe their ass. It tries a bit hard to be quippy which can get cringe sometimes but also can do some meaningful moments like how a little girl works through the trauma of a lost friend through a D&D knockoff

Telltale games are great ways to bloat your trophy/achievement count and this is coming from someone who plays visual novels but telltale games often fail in their story telling as a whole, this game especially. It seems like they took a visual novel, made it worse and add quicktime events. The stories are so non-rememberable that this whole review is taking apart the style cause I can only remember like one plotline

The premise is fun and being in a wierd horror game with friends can be amazing however like most multiplayer games having to deal with other people is a goddamn nightmare and I dont play anymore without a dedicated team becuase I hate playing with strangers

So for immersion I highly reccomend playing the game with subtitles and the french audio. As a person with a bachelors' in history I loved how for a good part of the game was historically feaseable, where like yeah these are children in the 15th century not understanding the world and how chemical reactions work (sulfur + most things explode) but then in the third act, everything goes supernatural and thats why this game isn't five stars. It would have been a masterpiece if it was just these kid's trying to survive a world they dont understand.

There is a thing with Resident Evil games where they're more horror, or more survival. This one was more survivial which is probably how I beat it, since I'm shit at the more horror faced titles. Also Remake Jill is super hot.