Easy game to platnium, and its a nice way to interact with the S.E.E.S team, my only wish was that they didn't do the double of this and Persona 5 Dancing cause it would have been nice to have an actual plot, not "compete to beat the other team and then it doesn't matter" but what can you expect from a blatant cash grab?

Like Persona 3 Dancing, I wish this game wasn't a blantant cash grab and they had put some time into giving it a plot. Also, dear atlus: STOP MAKING TEENAGE GIRLS ACT LIKE DOMINATRIXES! Please and thank you.

Goddamn this game is unforgiving and incredibly tough if you're not a platforming person. They want you to beat a stage in under 3 lives but there are multiple late stages where I'm dying upwards of 30-45 times cause of the hitbox or not being able to react in milliseconds. (Tell me to get good and you're blocked)

Are the characters stereotypes? Yes, however this is probably as close as has been made to play a 80's horror movie and I will forever love that vibe.

Plenty of options for routes, giving you a minimum of around 18 endings means you can see the fun interactions between the characters for a while. It would have been nice to have more interaction between the Female characters though

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Why is it so common for Otome games to involve most of the party to be dead? What is so tantalizing about a romance blooming in purgatory? The art style is nice, there are some very interesting dynamics between some characters but the Heroine left a lot to be desired.

Beautiful art and a compelling story to boot. The game gives high stakes and doesn't treat you like an idiot, a breath of fresh air in some mystery visual novel games

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The game has its good points but there is a bug that can prevent you from platinuming the game and not getting the last ending which really sours what already is a rocky story at its best. Also it claims to tie in with the other Psychedelica game but it does so very poorly. What a shock, the sequel is actually a prequel to some characters and a sequel to others? Whatever

To say something good about this game is that I didn't see some twists coming, which is a wonderful feeling in these types of games. The rest of it however leaves you wanting over and over again.

If I had a nickel for every Japanese visual novel that has numerous dead teens, I could go to Japan to get to the bottom of this. This game entered my life at the right time, having caught me right after watching Angel Beats so having a game that is just Punk Angel Beats hit well but I cant even remember half the interactions in the game or any qualities of the Heroine.

Unpopular opinion: the hamster ball levels are my favourite levels of all time. Stick Crunch in that ball and let's fucking go! I love how to get to the true ending you need to find the hidden paths to get the special levels but that final boss is a cheap-shot taking bastard

This was the first game I ever 100% completed in the before times when we lived in a blissful ignorance of the TERF who made the franchise came to light. The game itself is a wonderful RPG and one of the few games where getting the card collectibles didnt make me want to blow my brains out

Played the tutorial like 6 times and somehow cant figure out this boiled down Civilization clone

Although my city is probably in ruins, I loved building the city and getting all the nintendo property clothing and finding the various -oids when it rained

Yes I know that having to do the same thing over and over again can turn people off but this hit when I began drinking in college and seeing the world change slightly from iteration to iteration was amazing. Also the job system was fun to experiment with and the perks from maxing a job out you were encouraged to master all the jobs with every character making the perfect team