guy who has played 10 video games: we gotta hop on Fortnite dude this new season is peak

guy who has played 100 video games: final fantasy 6 is a narrative masterpiece [6 hour video essay]

guy who has played 1000 video games: dude we have to hop on Fortnite this new season is peak

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i love how the whole selling point of this dlc is "omg, by then end of this youll have to make a BRUTAL and HARD FUCKING CHOICE that will fucking FUCK YOUR MIND with guilt from the fallout (lol) of this epic decision where no one is the good guy" and the decision is whether of not you want to steal a baby from evil slave drivers or not to save a thousand people.

man FUCK that fat bitch donkey kong pretending we're friends at the end and shit man FUCK Donkey KOng FUCK donkey kong
i should dip donkey kong jr. in boiling oil man FUCK donkey kong that fat ugly gorrila bitch

Ao Oni Haters are the weakest individuals on earth and WILL be the first to be felled by the oncoming plagues that will be wrought

so unbelievably raw...

I didnt watch the og dub as a kid so when i hear shit like vegetas theme i immedialty associate it with the crusty GBA renditions funnily enough lol

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A decent fps game buts its soooooooooooooo daaaammmmmnnnn long i just want it to end god daamn!!!

The only other game I've played that falls into the "Combat Puzzle" Genre other than classic Doom

This game does a decent job at giving you a feel for its gameplay and rules before tightening its grip with more and more insane stipulations and rules, forcing you to really think about its encounters and work with the environment as effectively as you can

Though this game is ball bustlingly tough, sometimes downright unfair at time, but when you finally figure it out it usually feels super awesome

Its not for everyone but I think its a good time


I am not WARIO!!!! I am QUARIO!!! I do not eat GARLIC!!! I eat lots of GINGER!!!!!

A genuine childhood classic and IMO so much damn better than the wii version, each of the evil toybot versions of our heroes (who werent even much of anything in wii version)
get their own cool bossfights, with fun worlds based on all of the franchises present , not to mention they managed to make each and every level with 5 separate branching paths that branch of and intersect to perfectly compliment each of the characters abilities, and its just a super solid platformer on top of all that.

only downside is the fact that you dont get to play as any bonus characters like in the wii or ds ports, but you still get a ton of really cool cameos.

definitely check it out

Mighty Beanz! Theyre always sucking while theyre fuckin!!!!!

goku gets eaten by dinosaurs like 10 times while everyone stands around fucking gobsmacked

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the white woman was trustworthy this time