Nice and desperate game.

This game gives me a sensation that any horror game can't cause in me, the fear of going on without knowing if something is going to happen.

Also this game has a problem with the frequency of combat. The combat is okay, not great, but there are many more fights than necessary. It would be better if there were more sequences of Senua dealing with the environment instead of repetitive fights.

Basically Assassin's Creed with good presentation...

Just another sandox grindy game...
But in that, almost everything is copied from another games.

Cool idea, but boring as hell, like any other visual novel...

The most British game I have ever played.

This game is beautiful in every aspect, but the story is not that great and gameplay lacks in combat variation.
An awesome short gaming experience, not 10/10, but definitely worth the time to play it.

Me - Can we have Bioshock
Mom - We already have Bioshock at home:

It could be great, but it's extremely mediocre.

The atmosphere is great, the graphics are great, the scenery is great, there are some good ideas, an okay story, and nothing more than that.

The core gameplay is simply bad.

The gameplay is tedious 80% of the time, with horrible open-world design. Combat could be good, but it mostly sucks. There are unnecessary puzzles, and sometimes it feels too generic...

It's a shame that a game has such absurd potential, but poor game design decisions lead it to be one of the worst games in terms of pace that I have played...

This game is great in so many aspects, but playing it feels like a chore to me.

The game is incredibly beautiful, but it's also overrated.

You cant just shoot a hole into the surface of Mars 😱