Why everyone hate this games? I get it, its not original, but its defenetly more than wii and WiiU: the coin gimmick is neat and oddly addicting, it introduce two original World: flower and mushroom (more like color block world but ok) and the level design is really great here: i get it, the moveset of mario even regressed because of the lack of spin, the boss are terrible (stop spamming thé koopaling and reznor damn it) and the music is litteraly the same as wii, and its painfully easy, but come on this games is cute, stop being mean :(

Yeah sorry, i tried so hard to like this game...but...idk i just dont like it

Like, i think its a quality game, but its just not for me, and im going to explain my point of you now

First of...i dont like the presentation. Look, the artstyle itself is good, but the background looks so much stale and the assets all seems...off to me for some reason.

The music, in the meantime, is cruelly mid, which is a crime for a Megaman game. Yeah, nothing else to say

The gameplay, meanwhile, feels off as well. Megaman seems...oddly floaty to me? Like, i cant explain it, but i just dont like how megaman control

The level design, while a improvment from og megaman one, is now...bland ? But unlike with megaman x, it doesnt have stellar presentation to save the level from being forgettable. props for them to try to make a visual overall for each of them tho : i really like the idea behind cutman's stage visual overall

Something that i also appreciate are the overall the robot master received: not only they each received a new personality, they all have at least one new attack, making them more interesting, even if they still tend to spam attack. Shoutout to the new megaman boss that was implementad if you chose to play another robot master... because yeah, you can play as the robot master once you beat them now... honestly, a pretty neat addition

I have not a lot to say about the level editor: i dont like how you unlock element, but i still enjoy the idea and the execution

So yeah, this game, even if its a good remake (because it manage to propose something new and interesting with the original concept), the execution is, to me at least, rather bleh

This games is so great : WHY NO ONE TELLED ME: its pretty, has a very fast paced gameplay, a good amount of varied powerups, and a good challenge overall. The concept of a endless pacman games make so much sensé: WHY NO ONE EVER TRIED BEFORE?

This games is a nice, oddly challenging at some place, gorgeous little puzzle game with the super charismatic Toad...the games can feels repetitive at times and the blowing platformer on 3ds are a pain to use, and the boss arent very good, but its just a simple but fun adventure

Im sure this game is good, there is a lot of content, the game is beautiful and the soundtrack great, plus the story isnt completely trash and the games seems well balance...BUT DAMN IT THE XBOX ONE CONTROLLER HAS THE WORST D-PAD EVER : IT MAKE THE GAME ALMOST UNPLAYABLE FOR ME

I usually dont like to blame the controller for something but here, its actually true: and i dont like classic fighting game with stick, so im screwd i guess

On a side note: remember when i said that this game have a lot of content ? Well, the vast majority of it is lock behind chest to open...so yeah, the game is build like a free to play....a free to play that cost 60 bones

Brawlhalla is the best smashbros knockoff ever: because its not, really: the system of weapon and different gimmick make it different enough and the roaster is still huge (even tho less good that smash Bros) plus the online isnt complete shit, doesnt it, ultimate ? But ok, honestly, this game had less content, less stage, whi arent really good, a laughable amount of item, and almost all the skin cost money, so thats suck, and yes the mechanic, even tho they are still good, are less exciting and precise that ssbu

Damn this game hasnt hold up...i mean it introduce the great concept of pokemon, and has a pretty solid map, but the game is too easy, feels of annoying npc who want to break your met with a clairaffy level 5, and its so redondant. Also Can we agree and shoot in the ground the stupid cut a tree attack who make us lost at least one slot on our active pokemon

Also...A wIlD UsElEsS cReAtUrE ApPeArEd

Its fornite

Its ugly
Its unfair
Not polish and glitchies
With everything being p2w
A map who never change
Update who add nothing
And with broken mechanic and weapon

I still like it tho, its weirdly addictive and fun sometime

But yeah a lot of bullshit can be seen here

We all have a game where we just...disconnect our brain, just to get transported into a confortable and charming universe, carried by a easy, and yet endearing gameplay and a cosy experience

Kirby and the forgotten land is one of this game

Its not my favorite kirby game (kirby 64 goes so hard), but this is probably the most casual and yet charming game on the entire series

All of that is due to 4 aspect

1: the kirby universe, of course, still filled with those lovable nugget of a cast that i want to hug until I cry

2: as per usual, a impeccable presentation, that honestly reach PS4 level of visual ( the opening cutscene alone solidifie this), with incredible models, texture, lighting and animation, that put most Switch game to shame. I can also note the very neat setting of this...abandonned earth like place, that allows a lot of creativity in the visual, visual that are, of course, tag along a awesome ost

3: a very simple, and yet effective gameplay, that make kirby a joy to control, with his usual panel of transformation, that you can now upgrade to became a even more unstopabble beast. Kirby can also, of course, inhale various item in the level, such as car, or distributor, to make this game goofy, but also more fresh at the same time. And kirby can also be helped by non other than bandana waddle dee, who have a entirely different moveset, allowing him to help kirby in this exciting aventure

4. A cosy, and yet endearing level design, that is now one of the most unic in the franchise... because...you know, this game is fully 3d now, and the levels follow a similar structure than in mario 3d World: very linear, but unlike mario 3d world, a lot of secrets are also spread around, secret that can hide a secret challenge, waddle dee to save, trophies, or food....and this formula...is great ! The levels are really simple, but are a joy to traverse, and i just wished that this game was longer, just so i could have even more quality time with kirbo

This game also have a hub, filled with content, and with a place where kirby can sleep...and kirby can also wave at waddle dee's...ok this game is incredible

Also waddle dee's nut

Im so sorry...but i cant stand the control, idk why i hate so much the motion control here, but for me, it never does what i wanted. Plus this games is more like a remake of punch out on the nes than a original games... because i think, with the exception of dk and mac, not a single fighter are original in the franchise. Finally even tho i love the music and the visual they were coming from...i just hate how the models looks...they looks like plastics...a shame really

This game has matt.

Seriously, it was a good tech demo, starring tennis, baseball, golf, bowling, and punch out on Wii, but better

Nothing to add, its iconic as fuck

I honestly never find this game really entertaining...its fine, has good music and visual...but the story is kind of there and i dont like the gameplay at all, this is, to me, way to simple and repetetive and the boss dont add anything special...sorry pokemon mystery dungeon fan, but i dont want to became a pokemon too

The story mode is actually good, so this is the best cod of the 5 last year

No seriously its fun in multiplayer, but god, they are almost no Map (especially for zombie mode) no weapon and the games in general, if we forgot the campaign, isnt bad, but is so fucking forgettable on everylevel

Not Bad, but not impressive

Ok...this games...is pretty meh, not gonna lie, i mean the minigame are great but all the board are terrible and have all stupid gimmick : why you just dont stay on the formula of mario party 1-8? This work so great in the past on handled (mario party ds is the best example). I guess the boss fight and tower rush are ok...the game looks fine and the music is kind of bad

I still like this game tho, because the minigame are great, but overall a pretty meh game

This games is NUTS: its so fast past, but still clear, it has a shear amount of content, as a great style and (not so, but i still enjoyed) story, a killer soundtrack, a toph gameplay but still effective (if we forgot the car) and is hilarious. I also like a lot the rpg element, even tho i find the upgrade kind of uneffective sometimes...but i have a major complain about this games...they are not a lot of overvariety : i mean, they are a lot of scenario, like doing a sort of hunger game who end with a fight against killavolt, grab some coffee, or hunting animal...but they have the same task: killing a dozens of people and eventually driving a bit. I also find a lot of the boss being way to long, or way to easy, or both...and they are also a lot of problem with the load of the texture (its a lot pixelated). Also the villain are terrible and really need to die...oh wait...