This could of been a really good game!

I like these sort of Tycoon/Simulator games and setting up my own internet cafe was something i've never done in a game before
It has it's fun aspects, setting up tables, computers making money to set up high end pc's and consoles to make more money and it has the potential to be really good and fun
It does have an addictive manner to it

However, i couldn't wait to get this game finished (achievement wise) so i could never play it again
Each time i'd go to the menu or reload the game i'd come back and find all my tables, chairs literally everything yeeted around the joint, you'd have to close to set everything back up again just for it to keep disconnecting everything and finding the mouse you're missing half way up the alleyway behind a rubbish bag

not a fun time at all, graphics are alright but the physics are completely wack and my testicles are no longer in the right place

I'm honestly glad i got this for free from a good friend

Pretty easy achievements if that's what you're going for, if you're looking to buy a good, legit internet cafe game don't buy this one

So i recently platinumed this game on PS4 (Years 1-4 so far) Which are also the movies i'm mostly familiar with and quite enjoyed a first playthough and this is the first lego game i've actually gotten into
Grinding to find the rest of the gold blocks and other collectables after the game was over was a bit of a time sink and some of them were annoying to find but it's an easy platinum if you've got the patience.

Graphically it's okay, it's a lego game so there's no much to really say but it didn't look bad, some parts in cutscenes looked quite nice

Combat (what there is) is fine, easy to use mosty it's just shoot your magic wand (Get your mind out of the gutter) or throwing something at an enemy to defeat them

Soundtracks okay, it's mostly just the same as the movies and sometimes you might find your humming along to the tunes as you're getting lost around Hogwarts like i did.

I do wish this had a map for sure!
Definitely worth a play if you like lego games.

This was my first proper playthrough of borderlands, over the years i'd wacked this on and tried to get into it both solo and with mates but could never stick with it

However, we recently moved house and had no internet, I had this installed and thought why not give it a go, never tried it on PC and i didn't put it down for hours, this was mostly the only game i played for a few days!

For an oldish cell shaded game it looks nice especially in certain area's but where the funs at is in the combat
You can pick up all kinds of weapons, Pistols, Smg's Shotguns ect and you get grenade mods for certain grenades and shields
Something i love is when you lose health and get knocked down, if you can kill an enemy before you bleed out you get a second wind and can get back to slaying midgets.

This game has been a tonne of fun plus you get the DLC too and the boss fights are fun too some i found a little challenging properly dying a few times but it was still very fun.

Definitely recommend playing this if you've not already and using the vehicles are a must! Plus you can fast travel!

Elden Ring? This has beaten my ring!

This is fun, takes some getting used too and getting into for anyone who's not really played the souls games like myself, Recently beaten the 2nd main boss and a fair few side bosses which has been fun! There's obviously grinding to do for more health, strength and whatnot but it's fun and exploring it the really fun part and coming cross enemies that will cause you immense pain as you wonder what the everlasting f*** is happening

There is some frame rate issues where the game drops from a nice 60 to 30's no some bosses depending what's happening but it's better than it was at first, I'm hoping they sort this out soon though!

Gameplay and combat is smooth, same as the other souls games so if you're used to it you'll be fine


Deadly Premonition
This is a game i would recommend but NOT on steam if you're looking for a stable port

Deadly Premonition is a game i first picked up back in college for the Xbox 360. I asked a staff member if they'd recommend any games on a certain shelf (cheapish) and Deadly Premonition was the first one
On the 360 i loved the game, it took me a few hours to really get into it but once the story started coming together i was really enjoying the game and wanted more.
I figured out pretty well who the killer was before the ending of the game although the last few chapters did mislead me and make me question my prediction

So, this port the main issue's are the game crashes, the game will randomly at any point shut itself down and leave you feeling like a virgin being stood up
i have had numerous crashes so far, there are some help guides online which i've used and running the DPlauncher as admin helped a bit but the crashes are still happening. It's a shame as this game is really good and underrated. If you play this be sure to safe extremely often as you might find yourself having to repeat any story from your last save.

As for controls i couldn't find a way to get the controller to work even though it says controller is supported but i'm happy using Mouse/KB so no loss for me. Shooting is a little clunky but free roam with a mouse is better and is near enough the same as the 360 version and easy to use. The weapons you get are multiple blunt/sharp objects and firearms which are good to switch into on different enemies

Driving is still as clunky as the 360 version, you kind of get used to it after a while but i find myself flipping more cars than i did when working in fast food, you can have your own car and different police cars and using the sirens to go faster

I'm not sure if it's me but the colour seems to be very bland in comparison to the xbox version but that could be bad memory, it doesn't effect gameplay or cutscenes though

Graphics are dated but i've seen worse, there is the odd graphical glitch ere or there like a coat becoming intertwined with other clothing but again, nothing game breaking

I know it may seem weird that i recommend the game but if you can stop the game crashing it's a great game, with a cool story, side quests to keep you busy, collectables to find and even fishing and races

One of my favourite things from Deadly Premonition though is definitely the unique soundtrack, it's a drawing point as i've not heard a soundtrack like it before but i love it.
Plenty of backstory for characters main and side and constant convo's with Zack to keep you in the loop of what's happening

So, main story (no spoilers) You come to a small town in the middle of nowhere, there has been a murder and its' your job to solve it, the game does this very interestingly and makes each place unique with you finding clues in each locations giving you more and more leads, but with public getting in the way, who's the murderer?!

Great game, Fun story, easy combat, let down by bad stability in the port
Don't let yourself go without playing this!

Pumpkin Jack, The game where playing as the "bad guy" fighting other bad guys to DOOM the world into eternal damnation.

Upon booting this up for the first time, i wasn't sure what to expect even with playing the demo before the main release
Straight away, The soundtrack to Pumpkin Jack had me enticed, singing along to the music like i've heard it 100 times over and was great fun to beat up enemies whilst having a bop.

This game definitely takes some inspiration from games like Medievil for the design/soundtrack and gameplay, Crash Bandicoot for some fun 3D platforming and much more!
It's a fantasticly fun 3D platformer with different enemies to kill, collectibles to find and bosses to beat

The frame rate was great and the game is well optimised, visuals keep very much to retro looking titles but with todays tech making it look beautiful and the lighting just adds to it so well. This game offers so much in vibrant colours that make it a pleasure to look around and blend so well with the brilliantly designed worlds.

Something i found to be my favourite was the characters and personality, it's been a while since i played a game that had so much personality to it, the characters in this gave me some great laughs whilst insulting eachother and the best part, it's not even cringy.

Something i didn't know straight away either, this game was made by a solo developer!
There is so much hard work, effort and passion that went into this and it shines through so well
The credits also show you the years gone by with pics of the game in the early stages slowly building to this game we know today which was a nice touch

Controls were brilliant
Different weapons after each boss fight are great!
The combat is so smooth and fun, think medievil but even better
I loved the story, even though the game isn't overly long the story was great and i had fun going through the game

This is a great game, feels alot like a remaster of a ps2 game come to life
i hope there could even be a sequel someday but i'm definitely going back for the rest of the achievements

Great fun!

Although i need to get back into Vermintide 2, it's been a while i bought this as soon as it was announced on pre order because of how amazing the first game was. V2 is definitely no different, the great characters, new enemies and much more exploring to do!

Each character once again has their own set of improved weapons, skills and armour! With their own quotes and unique sayings, they improved from the 1st game in every correct way!

I love the new enemies in this, the rat ogre isnt the only enemy now that makes you wanna run for the hills and hide under a rock with Patrick Star. There are many others that pose just as much of a threat and you can never be too carefui.

Graphics i would say have improved slightly and the game looks better than it already did and the worlds/levels seem much bigger and are fun to explore for more collectibles.

from what i have played.

This was my first time experiencing ANY Persona game and we started off with Persona 5 on the PS4 but played it on the PS5 console.

At first i wasn't sure if i would get into this game but i'm glad in many ways that i did as i do love some JRPG games but there was some parts of the game that i wasn't a fan of which we'll get into a little later in this review.

So graphically as you'd expect from a JRPG it looks really nice, gameplay graphics look good, cutscene graphics look really nice but the main anime cutscenes is where it's at, they look so beautiful and really take your eyes so you can't look away but it's so enjoyable to kick back and watch.

Story-wise overall i really enjoyed the story, it was different to anything else i've played, near the end especially there was twists & turns, curveballs and i was thrown off the scent of some of the story plots that was happening right in front of me. I did enjoy the story of going into different palaces to change people's hearts for the better and how it went from just doing it to stop a weird teacher doing weird things just the once to a full blown party and missions taking down our next targets.
There was some parts of the story which i wasn't sure if i liked or not but mainly during the summer where there's days of just doing the same things over and over again passing the days until we were back to school or finally attacked someone and it got a bit boring.
It was cool though that it's possible to do side missions "requests" aswell for others who you meet throughout the game by maxing out their friendship bar to the point they tell you they need help and get told their name.

Then there's the memento's which are like a underground area you can fight alot of enemies on levels upon levels of depth where you also do the requests. Here you can also farm levels and items needed to craft things to use in the game, find treasure and catch more persona's.
There's plenty to do and if you go for everything you could EASILY spend over 100 hours on just one playthrough and still not do everything there's so much but it's fun and before you know it 20 hours turns into 50 then into 80 and it feels like you've not long started it.

However going from that there was a couple times i did feel like some of the story or battles/palaces did feel dragged out a bit at times, we could easily just do the palace or the mission but something happens and you have to wait when it wasn't really necessary.
You also have social aspects you can level up aswell "Charm, Intelligence, Guts" ect which you do need to level to access some of the requests for some characters to be able to advance with their storyline. You can read books, answer questions correctly in school and go to a bathhouse and more to level these up.

The best part of the game for me personally was the soundtrack, although alot of the time in combat it was the same song it's catchy as heck and while your kicking ass you're singing along to it before you know it and loving every moment. The soundtrack definitely makes this game more fun and easier to sink the time into.

I'd definitnely recommend playing this if you haven't and don't leave it as long as i did. I'm hoping to go back at some stage to get the platinum on this as it's quite easily obtainable from what i can tell, have you got the plat? let me know in the comments and if anything was missed from this review.

Thank you for reading!

As much as it saddens me i have to rate this game fairly low atleast for now
I'm a huge fan of the Karate Kid movies (other than KK4 or the remake with Smiths Kid) and love the Cobra Kai Series.
it's a shame this game has come out in the state it has considering the first Cobra Kai game was really alot of fun and good to play

This one though... Graphically it's okay, nothing great from a fighter but that's not the main focus although they could of atleast made the characters actually look like their actors and not some sort of strange clone that came out the wrong end of the bowels.
The main issue with this game is the frame rates, sometimes it's okay and stable in small fights but other wise it's very, very wild and just starting the next area or running around one place will cause the frames to jutter like crazy and when this happens during fights it can cause you to lose or get hit when doing an epic combo ruining the experience.

I do however like the option to recruit people you find throughout the levels who are characters from the Cobra Kai series, they can be recruited as fighters and some as staff but some of the staff and recruitments don't make alot of sense depending on what dojo you go in as. These recruitments can be seen at the dojo inbetween levels sparring and training and the staff are where you can get upgrades and buy things.

There's levels from the series throughout the map but once you've played them you won't get anything new as other Dojo's play the same levels just with different recruits which gets a bit repetitive.
The combat is smooth and fun when the frames are stable and you know the combo's you can do, Square, Square and hold square seems to be the go to mostly for me anyway.

Another main issue if you're a trophy hunter is quite a few of the trophies for this game are bugged and won't unlock no matter how much or hard you try so the platinum isn't obtainable at the moment, i really hope this'll be fixed soon though as i'd have the platinum for this already.

There is also a Tournament mode where you can pick any character in the game and go through rounds & rounds of enemies until you reach the final and win, there are some trophies tied to this mode which you can get and doing the story unlocks secret characters you can play as such as Terry Silver.

There's also a survival mode and a Cobra classics mode which is a fight in the school & another level which are somewhat more difficult than the main levels or campaign but doable for sure.

So far unless it gets a patch fixing many things (which i don't see happening) i can't recommend this game even though i love the series and the first game.
There's even copy and pasted stuff like enemies and objects from the first game so i'm honestly not sure how this one ended up so messed up when all they had to do was build off the first Cobra Kai game.

It's really disappointing.


This game isn't too bad, it's your normal side scroller so graphically it's not expected to have much but it looks decent for what it is but looks older than a 2020 game.

Pretty easy Platinum, I do like holding the character in the circle things then choosing which direction you want to shoot off in to get to another one or a ledge.
Soundtrack is okay, nothing great. This is more one of those easy games you put music onto play with while you knock out the platinum in like an hour tops.

Not much, but of fun though in between the mega grinds

This game doesn't deserve the hate it gets but thankfully it still sold incredibly well!

I streamed this on Twitch on the 7th of Feb and it was the only game we did for the rest of the month!
Hogwarts Legacy was the game i and i am sure many, many others have been dying for!
I've been wanting a Hogwarts/Harry Potter game for so long and to finally have this drop and it be so good was awesome

So Graphically the game is very nice although it does depend on PS5 if you play with Fidelity mode or Performance mode on just how good the game really looks but even on Performance mode the game ran smoothly and looks really good!
I did switch modes in stream and went too the great hall and the difference is night and day so if you want the game to look as nice as possible, Fidelity mode with Ray-Tracing is the way to go!

The Soundtrack to Hogwarts Legacy delivers a magically beautiful atmosphere with different tracks in some boss fights and during major cutscenes and during general gameplay, there's never a silent moment i noticed where there wasn't some sort of music that still makes you feel like you're in Hogwarts!

The story was decent, There's wasn't a whole lot too it but they came out with more than enough for a first game to build on hopefully a sequel, There's alot of sidequests to do alongside the main quests with collectibles and trials and plenty more waiting out there in the wizarding world. You will easily spend 50-60 hours just playing the main story and sidequests with another 10 odd hours finishing off for the Platinum.

Customisation is great! Although creating your character at the start isn't overly huge but during the game you can change your robes, school clothes, hats, glasses, gloves, wand handles, brooms and mounts!
There's so much to collect around the world and this is one open world game that has been done to perfection!
Something i absolutely love is you can wear weird looking cosmetics that don't suit your character, get the bonus defensive stats and then you can change the appearance to something else that you love maybe it's a certain robe but still keep the stats of better equipment!

The map is a good size, plenty of exploring to do with more of the world opening up further through the story and then you get the room of requirements to brew potions, grow plants customise to your hearts content and even upgrade your equipment!

In here you also have vivariums which you can use to house your creatues you've captured out in the open world and create the perfect enviroment to your hearts content with an insane amount of buildings and items to make anything you want and you can breed animals too! Baby Hippogriffs are so cute but the mooncalfs for me are to die for!
Then there's the graphorns....

100% Recommend playing this game, you don't need to be a Harry Potter fan to be able to play this, admittedly you might miss some of the easter eggs and references and lore of the wizarding world but that doesn't affectt anything in the game or stories.
If you're a Harry Potter fan, this is gonna be your game of the year!

This review contains spoilers

This game took me 7....yes 7 attempts to do a full playthrough!

So everything i played Breath of the Wild i'd get a few hours in and either get lost, confused, both or just fed up
I don't know why but when i came around after a year to trying it for the 7th time, I loved it!

Gameplay: The Combat too Breath of the Wild is alot of fun, it can take a little to get used to at the start with some of the controls, how to change which weapon/bow/shield you're using but once you get the hang of it the combat is really fun, enemies that are tougher than others and one thing that took me the longest is timing the laser shots to parry them back at the guardians to kill them.
Throughout the game you get More clothing options that add their own stats and allow you to get into different area's on the map but either disguise or helping with the heat/coldness of that area.

You also get more weapons and a good variety the further you go, same with the bows unfortunaltly unless you get the Master Sword then all weapons will eventually break but you get used to it and find plenty as you're exploring anyway

Speaking of Exploring, It's definitely worth finding all the different shrines so you can trade each 4 orbs in and have an upgrade to either your health and stamina which help immensely later on in the game plus they're quite fun with some really clever puzzles which make it feel more rewarding.

The Story i found to be, okay at best, I mean it's fun doing side quests, the divine beasts, meeting the characters in the world and experiencing a number of places and challenges but i feel some of the stories in other Zelda games have been better than this one but that doesn't mean to say it's not fun because it certainly is

The Soundtrack is good too! Again some of the older games are better but this soundtrack is still fun to listen too especially when it kicks up at certain parts of the story and missions, some of the soundtrack is very catchy and the use of sounds around you helps determine where an enemy might be, Or the beeping to tell you there's a shrine nearby and so on.

Definitely worth playing this if you haven't already, if it's your first time, Don't do what i did. Have patience, Enjoy the ride and play how you want to!

This is one of the Many Crash Bandicoot games i grew up with although i didn't beat this one as much as i did the Trilogy!

This Crash Game is a bit different, the controls are a little jankier but roughly the same as the other games, imo it kinda feels like a crash rip off in a way but i find it fun just the same
The worlds are set up like Crash Bandicoot: Warped where each world is split into 5 levels and then the Boss for that area before you're able to go to the next section.

The Levels in this game for me lack the good designs and uniqueness that the Trilogy had although there is underwater levels, running levels, Robot levels and vehicle levels which are missing something but it's still fun in different ways

One thing i wish they changed is that every boss is always Crunch Bandicoot in various scenario's and beating the same dude over and over can get repetitive

One thing i can say this is really good at is the soundtrack which features many tracks i'm sure i've heard in older games and some new to this one which are still catchy and make the game alot more enjoyable when raging in certain area's.

I found the Box Gems Here to be alot easier to get and i don't think any levels are Missable which means you don't HAVE to do the coloured Gem paths (I might be wrong on this) I haven't got any coloured Gems yet but i'm gonna go back for them for sure!

I've never done the Time Trials on this Crash but after unlocking certain Power-ups during the main game that will likely make things a bit easier

It's definitely worth playing this Crash Title, It's not the best in the series but you can play it for a few hours, have some fun and wreck enemies in a Robot suit!

So after the ps2 i went over to the xbox side of stuff with the OG xbox and the 360
It wasn't until earlier this year i was able to get a PS3 back and started playing through some of the titles i missed and one of those games, Mini Ninja's!

I was pleasantly surprised when i played Mini Ninja's, It was a fun, chill game with the first playthrough being on Hard mode (which was still quite easy)

So the gameplay is fun, It's smooth, the combat is nice and you can play as 6 different characters (once unlocked) and a different weapon on each character. You collect red orbs aswell which allow you to use that characters special move which can wipe out a group of enemies should you get a little overwhelmed.

I did however find sneaking up on enemies for stealth kills a bit of a pain with using the trigger to sneak and at some points it rolled even though the enemies were unaware of me.
The boss fights are okay, no hard at all and don't really rely on player skill until the final boss, the rest of them are main getting the boss to hit a certain area and then pressing the buttons it shows, the final boss is alot more fun.

This game also has collectables that you can find being Shrines, Plants, Caged animals, Coins and spells, most of these are usually hidden in plain sight and easy to find but for the spells you can use a magic power that will show you where that shrine is on the level and lead you there, all you have to do is find the white flower needed to activate it.

You can also use your spirit power to take the form of animals around you which not only shows you locations of plants with a bad aroma like someone farted on them before hand but you can also be a boar/bear which you can use to attack enemies but once you get hit you lose that form and have to reattach to it again.

I'll be honest i was paying attention to the story for the first couple levels but eventually i kinda didn't care and just kept playing because fighting the Ninja's was fun and i wanted to see if hard mode actually was a challenge or not.

I definitely would recommen this game though even if it is meant for a younger audience it's still a fun little slashing game and the platinum isn't difficult really either and it's only 12-15 hours too

This review contains spoilers

My Big Sister is a game about Luzia and Sombria, two sisters who are trying to get back home after being kidnapped by strangers and Luzia takes it upon herself to ensure they both make it home.

I picked this game up on sale purely because of the title. In 2022 my big sister passed away and it's been something that we're still struggling with so when i saw the game titled this i wanted to experience what i assumed would be an emotional story.
I wasn't wrong, near the end of this game i was shedding tears at the parts that really hit home. The story is deep, comes with curveballs and in my opinion whether you've lost someone or not, this is worth it for the story once you follow it.

The game is a modern take on a retro influence and puzzles in each area to be able to progress further into the story, The characters are well made and each serve their own purpose in the story within each level and the progress the story makes over time.
I was also very suprised to learn that this game was also under the banner of Ratalaika games which are usually cheap, easy platinums.
Don't get me wrong, the platinum to this is easy with a guide, without a guide you'd take a while trying to find all the endings and certain places with certain actions to earn other trophies.

Although this game is quite short at roughly 3-5 hours there's alot that happens.
Each character has their own personality aswell which is something i really like in RPG games, some characters are funny, creepy, serious and there to add intruige.

I would definitely recommend playing this for the story, it will hit home alot more if you've experienced losing someone and at the end of the story when you find out what's really happening, it can be quite emotional.

Very well made game