625 Reviews liked by WubGaming



Honestly trash game, you can just tie every time.

When asked what he meant when he said Metal Gear Solid 3DS was the only true incarnation of his artistic vision for the game, Kojima stated that other versions "simply have too many frames," noting that "it would make too many bullets for Snake to dodge."

this is the ipad version of the classic mad pidgeons

imac, iphone, ipod, ipad, ipaid, ipeedandshiddedandfardedandcamed

sonic 4 more like chronic bore HAH KNEE SLAP GOTEEM. xD

burnout for idiot people. yes i did play this on the 3ds not the iphone version trust me i dont even have an iphone. why would i ever lie to you.

Sent from my iPhone.

uh oh!!! brett favre stole the mommy milky again!!! in this game u play as john madden, as you chase brett favre running away from you because john madden's obsession with brett favre has finally taken him over.

Kill the past. SUDA follows up 1998's The Silver Case with this relaxed and tropical exploration game, a contrast from the former's cyberpunky claustrophobic atmosphere. But things aren't all as they seem, and as the player explores the mysteries of Lospass island we return once again to this abstracted idea of crime, or evil, as made (ostensbily) tangible in the form of "Kamui." Having recently finished up a playthrough of Deadly Premonition, I was struck at how effortlessly Flower, Sun, and Rain manages to capture the comfy and mysterious vibe of Twin Peaks without directly channeling it--especially given how far short Deadly Premonition fell.

You start each morning with a nice cup of coffee as Erik Satie's Gymnopedie plays; Sumio Mondo reflects on the previous (heh) day's events and his lack of understanding thereof as he sips his coffee, occasionally wishing he had tea. You can settle into the gameplay loop like a nice warm bath, taking strolls around the island and talking to the residents. You begin to wonder if it isn't odd how easily your tasks are solved by consulting the guidebook; you question why you can never remember going to sleep.

The specifics of the final turn of the game are a little unclear to me, though I wish it had gone for broke more. I didn't feel a real sense of finality with the end of the game, which would have helped a lot I think. Still, this oddball little game should have gotten a wider release. It's by far the best DS game I've ever played.


It's definitely a musou game, but at the same time, it still captures the essence and feel of Persona 5 thanks to fantastic integration of the Persona 5 mechanics, graphics, and storyline. You might not enjoy this game as much if you're not into the Persona series (and you do need to have played the original Persona 5 to understand the background), but it held my attention throughout the entire game and I'm really happy that I got to go back to this universe again.

"War is bad." - Albert Einstein

this was andrew's favorite game (andrew is the bully from my first grade class) frck you andrew give me back my copy of black ops on the ds you idiot stupd DUMPass

ever notice that everyone in this game runs like they didnt wipe well?

sega really had to pull out all the stops on this one! after the brutal release of the sega GEMesis, sonic was already on life support. therefore, sega needed themselves a "third leg," to support their businesd, and i'm not referring to toe jam's penis that the game constantly references.

a cunning stunt of a game, and the stunning cunt of a dev team member is all they needed to create the perfect game. but it sucks so whatever. gonna order dominos now anyone want some?

miyamoto san picking his nose a little too hard on this one, metaphorically picking off more than he can pick with this title. what im trying to say is that it's not good, in case you were wondering.