This is one of the best looking and atmospheric games I've ever played. Somehow it was made in unity and its only 2 Gigabytes.

I was getting tired of the overdone backrooms/liminal space horror genre. But this game made me remember what made it so popular in the first place.

This game has no story, the only thing you know is that you are in this strange place and you have a video recorder. As you explore you wonder who you are and why you are here, why are you recording it? Are you like a D-Class SCP personal?

There are no jump scares, there is no monster, but you never feel alone.

The sound design is fantastic and adds so much to the game, every footstep echos, you swear you can hear someone behind you as you wade though water.

There's no notes left behind to explain convoluted lore, there's no flashbacks or voices.

But there is something, 1 or 2 strange symbols on a wall. Why is a goat here?

I'm looking forward to Tensori's next game. I really hope they explore more backrooms stuff in a similar way.

TLDR: This game is a unintentional parody of indie horror games. Its awful. Not a single good thing about it.

It's incredibly cheap but you can get far better games on steam for cheaper. Don't trust the positive reviews.

It the video game equivalent of a crappy 80's B horror movie, and not even a its so bad its good one. It's just boring.

Nonstop jump scares that never work. The monster designs are incredibly bad it's almost funny. The only one i like its the weird women puppet that shows up once. The baby looks like it has scabies or something. The Hat Man (or whatever hes called) its not scary in the slightest. There are no actual characters or character motivations. Its a walking sim that has no atmosphere to make up for it. The VHS aesthetic has been done far better by other indie games.


The thing that made me leave this review is not the game itself, the game is extremely forgettable.

What peaked my interest is that the game is 15 GIGBYTES.

How is it 15 gigabytes? The graphics suck and the game is only like an hour long at most. Did i miss 90% of the game? What did you do with those 15 Gigabytes? You clearly did not put them in the game. When Skyrim came out in 2011 it was only 6 Gigabytes and looked better.

I played Pools (Another new Horror Walking Simulator) right before this and Pools is one of the best looking games i ever played, and its only 2 Gigabytes and made in unity.

As in real life, you give frogs to women and they give you their milk, that's the gameplay loop.

I feel like this game was made for Carl Jung and no one else

I've literally had dreams about this game, (the title is accurate) its so bizarre, there is no game like this, and there never will be.

The world of this game is the most unnerving atmosphere I've ever seen in a game, the art direction is some of the strongest out there

I'm both fascinated and disgusted playing this game

None of it makes sense, you're in the world of these machine people who live in a sewer and can only move on tracks. The women can only eat frogs and crayfish, the men can only survive from drinking the women's "milk". You refill you "ego" (health) by going on a carousel.

The game triggers my lizard brain flight or fight

Its the video game equivalent of Begotten

From what I understand the game came out in the 90's by some small Japanese studio and was considered lost for a while. A few years ago some dudes on /vr/ rediscovered it and released it on steam. (One of 2 good things to come out of 4chan, the other being when /mu/ discovered deathgrips)

I don't like this game, but I don't think the game was made to be liked or enjoyed, it's a bad dream you can't forget

Look at the images of it on steam and you will know if its for you or not.

I think if you take shrooms while playing this game you will escape samsara (don't know, will not test this)

Also its developer on steam is listed as "Sakuba Metal Works" I can find nothing about them online other then they describe themselves as a "A multimedia studio specializing in metalworking, photography, literature, and video games." which I found interesting

This game convinced me to join the Airforce

all I did was count screws


The amount of dopamine I got watching the trailer for this in middle school has been a high I've been chasing ever since

I found out about the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine though the steam news for this game, that says a lot about me as a person.

Honestly this is one of the best city builders ever made

You can fulfill the masculine urge to become a soviet bureaucrat

Never did sending people to work in gravel mines feel so fun

I can now say I understand Stalin's urge for 5 year plans after playing this game. Watching how many tons of bitumen and corn you have go up is addicting.

This game doesn't have a just a steep learning curve, it's more like the gravitational well of a black whole.

I assume its fun once you get passed it, but every time I start to understand the game a new update adds like sewer systems or something.

The game has a dozen of different systems to understand like water, food, various consumer goods, electricity, sewage, garbage, loyalty, education, 2 different currencies, heat, fuel, weather. I'm definitely missing a few but you get the point, the game is complex

And its not like these systems are simple. Each system is incredibly and painfully realistic, for electracy alone you have transformers, wattages and voltages, substations, multiple ways to generate power, and you have to keep track of you entire grid. Everything in the game is like this.

The good thing is that the game is very customizable, you can change the settings and just ignore anything you don't want to deal with.

Also game is Ukrainian so the translations can be funny at times

The loading texts are always something like "orphans are future criminals"

I downloaded over 7000 assets from the workshop for this game, realized I don't understand the game, and gave up

the real soviet experience

Does any one else remember that shitty creepypasta from like 2012 where the a disc for this game shot out of a gamecube and cut a kids head off? Or did i just make that up someone please confirm

Anyway this is one of the first games I've ever played. Honestly one of the best games for the gamecube, but the most underrated thing about it is the soundtrack.

This game really hits that "I Spy Spooky Night: A Book of Picture Riddles" aesthetic craving I've had since one fateful autumn scholastic book fair blessed 7 year old me with that divine grimorie. (I lost that book like 12 years ago, still haven't recovered, that book and the one about the cat who lived on the beach made me who I am today)

I replayed this game like a year ago and it still holds up.

definitely worth taking the time to pirate it like its a Spanish galleon.

I played this a year ago and forgot most of it

You play as joe cyberpunk and cyberpunk all over the place or something idk

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You play as a schizophrenic painter wondering the halls of a Victorian mansion while being haunted by your past.

The story is a mix between "The Picture of Dorian Gray" and "House of Leaves" (or not, idk I've never read either, I'm illiterate)

Honesty I only got this game for that "I Spy Spooky Night: A Book of Picture Riddles" aesthetic I've been chasing since I got that book at a scholastic book fair when I was 7. I don't know how to quantify its success in that numerically, a strong 5.5 maybe?

Anyway the game is a walking sim, it's just one of those haunted houses you go to in October where people jump out at you, except unlike those you can get strangled.

It's one of those games where everything, especially the ending, is up to interpretation. I think those types of stories can work in games, but are very dependent in how much the viewer is invested in the characters. This is where the game fell flat for me.

The entire story is told with notes that get passed around like its a elementary school class during silent reading time. And it seems half of those are just drawings of rats with something like "Infernal lice demon, get out of my knickers" scribbled on it. (The big fat meanie drawing that Patrick gave Puff in that boating school episode of SpongeBob is what they look like)
The other half of the notes are just doctors and lawyers writing to the protagonist telling him to stop sending threating letters and insulting their mothers. (On god hes just like me fr fr)

The rest of the notes are just about his deteriorating relationships with his wife and daughter. He's a schizo-alcoholic painter boy and she was a piano girl, they found love in a creepy ass house. also If you buy a house like that you can't expect to not become a insane madman who uses flesh to paint. (or maybe he doesn't use flesh literally, idk, it's all up to interpretation just like your parents love for you)

I don't have anything else to say about the story because the story is like sand. It's over reliance on interpretation causes any meaningful take away from the characters to slip though your fingers and become meaningless. (I can enjoy games that are vague and based on your own choices and interpretation, but like I said earlier, I believe those games have to be heavily character driven, like "Kentucky Route Zero") also I could just be regarded and not understand the story, I think the truth lies somewhere in middle.

I thought the voice actor for the husband was Steve Blum (it wasn't)

The aesthetics of a Victorian mansion are cool if you're into that, but even then wait until its on sale for half price.

also the soundtrack is pretty good