GOTY 2023

Top 10 games I played in 2023 for the first time. Links to favorite song from each game.

Some of my favorite characters, writing, atmosphere, and music of any game all in a nice 6 hour experience. Peak.

Favorite Song: "Your Love Is a Drug"
I think I slightly prefer the original, but I also haven't played this one ten times yet so maybe that'll change. Still the 2nd best Resident Evil so I'm not complaining.

Favorite Song: "The Drive"
A perfect execution of a game. So much personality in the presentation and the combat is consistently fun. Maybe the closest to a perfect game I played this year. It's usually impossible to find a character-action game without something to complain about, but this game somehow does it.
There's some annoying issues that drag out the experience and the story isn't entirely engaging the whole-way through. However, I could not stop thinking about this game and it's characters after playing it. I also can't stop listening to the soundtrack and it's easily one of my favorites of any game.

Favorite Song: "Kaine / Escape"
This game showed me that survival-horror can have an unironically amazing story and soundtrack throughout. It also has maybe the most well-done atmosphere of any game ever? Will never forget the burning staircase scene.

Favorite Song: "Forest"
It's so stupid and I love it. Helps that it happens to have the best gameplay in the series and so much genuine reverence for the series.

Favorite Song: "Trial of the Genealogy (Free Us)"
Easily the most fun I've had with a FromSoftware game. The combat and enemy design is consistently fun with the least BS. That could be a downside depending on what you're looking for, but the reduced frustration I personally appreciated. Also shoutout to SIster Friede for being one of my favorite boss fights ever.

Favorite Song: "Soul of Cinder"
Even though I love most of the other 2D Metroid games, this one takes the cake for me. The combat was just so fun and there were a lot of modern innovations that made traversing the world feel amazing. The bosses are also easily the best in the series. Even though it's very different, the atmosphere is still great and i'm glad that 2D Metroid can continue to evolve.
I never thought I'd find a platformer that reaches Kirby levels of charm. I also never thought I'd enjoy a 2D platformer's mechanics to this extent.

Favorite Song: "The Windmill Song"
It's not perfect, but I was so invested in the experience.

Favorite Song: "Safe Room"


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