Replay. The sequel to this is one of the most absurdly fun games I've ever played. It's tonally all over the shop but always entertaining; almost like Yakuza in its blend of the serious and the ridiculous. This isn't quite as nuts as the second game, but it's still an absolute blast. And dang, the visuals really hold up -- hard to beleive this is nearly a decade old.


Halo 3 marked the peak of Xbox as a brand, for me at least. Although I never actually owned a 360 in its heyday, I did borrow one to play this -- and it delivered on the hype and then some. A brilliant campaign. Still plays like a dream.

Fun. Over in a few hours. Better than I expected.

Never again. I refuse to beleive anybody has ever finished those London levels without a walkthrough. Or the last boss for that matter.

What a flawed, brutal clusterfuck of a sequel. It has some of the best art, locales and music of the series, but it’s also a meandering pain in the arse. It’s full of fuck you moments and poor level design that at best frustrate and at worst full on block your progress.

Kayaks can piss off. Super dark swimming levels can piss off. And so can Aldwych station. A thousand times over.

Still, delighted to have seen it through - even if i did have to use a walkthrough way more than I’d like to have done.

The worst of the trilogy following a 9 for TR1 and a forgiving 8 for TR2.

Now remaster Last Revelation.

I'm quite fond of the PS3 Resistance games. Hated this. At least the main character was hilariously shit.

A co-op playthrough that took me and a pal more than three years to finish. I've completed this a couple of times in the past, alone. It's fun, but absolutely honking compared to most other RE games. SHEVA!

I'll share more thoughts later. But ooft, that was a bastard of a game.

Edit: here's my thoughts -- a great game with a miserable midway slump. Shove your oil rig and boat nonsense up your jacksie.

First time finishing the original TR and I fucking loved it!

Honestly, the game is transformed just by having a save anywhere feature (I know this is in the PC version). The new visuals and 60fps help too.

New art is great and being able to switch back to the original visuals with the press of a button is very helpful when you need its brighter lighting.

No handholding, minimal HUD, great puzzles, a suitably creepy and lonely atmosphere, and a classic soundtrack. What a game.

(Yes, it can be tough at times but it’s far easier - and fairer - than its sequels. Speaking of which, TR2 next.)

Millionth replay. Had time to kill before a gig in Bristol so ducked into NQ64 game bar and finished this. Love that place.

Second ever replay of the OG but this time on PS5. I fucked up and Barry died. Even got all the MO discs. Prick.

Mint game.

I like to think that Cuff had to watch Frey doing a poo.

This was given to me by my uncle for Christmas in 2001, the same day I got my PSone (yeah i was late to the party).

I never made it past the second level and it was quickly traded into GAME when I realised that was a thing you could do.

Now it's 2024 and the game has been added to Sony's (so far) dismal emulated "classics" line up as part of PS Plus Premium. Although you can buy it as a standalone title like I did for pocket change.

Is it good? No -- but I had unfinished business.

The game itself is actually quite ambitious for the hardware with lots of interactive NPCs and dialogue trees. It also includes an odd level where it essentially turns into an old school adventure game as you try and find the right thing to say to the right market traders in the right order to get some daft fucking pod parts for Anakin. Took me hours.

It's scuffed, but it more accurately reflects the experiences that most causual players likely had with the original PlayStation than those who played FF7/MGS/Silent Hill/Resi Evil and then wouldn’t shut up about them for the next 25 years.

Yeah alright, that was pretty good. Didn't like the grey pig man though.