abandoned after 3 hours... There's a good stuff inside, but there's a lot of unnecessary hard platforming involved (in few places). You have to make jumps that don't require talent, you just have to try 95348 times and maybe if u r lucky u can pass bcz of Gliding and airdodging doesnt work well together. I watched walkthroughs and try different skill combinations but i couldnt get pass it. I dont wanna do this anymore.

another game ruined to be made rogue lite and time extended. dont buy

Bad narration boring gameplay. Psp has better action games like gow or kingdom hearts, go and play these.

bitirmesi 5 dk sürüyo ama tatlı olduğu için 4 puan

this game doesnt deserve all this hate. i have good times w/ playing my friends. also this is only way playing coop resident evil nowadays

bored and abandoned (main reason is combat). there are way better side scroller/rpg games. but still waiting eiyuden hundred heroes.

empty and uninspiring open world, overly simplistic puzzles and very little variety of enemies. 90% of shrines are boring/too simple/same shrine/empty. i'm also sick of finding korok shit everywhere i go. When I go to a place that interests me , i always find korok and their same shitty puzzles. F****CK. second worst zelda game. plz play other zelda games not this. still good game but not game of the year or greatest of all time.

feels like big budget rpgmaker game, unique one but mediocre

Abandoned, pc controls are shitty