My first FE game and the game that really made me appreciate TRPGs. Great story and characters along with a great gameplay loop.

Oh this game is just full of crazy stupid fusion ideas and I love it. Charming and engaging to play.

This game is extremely charming and also a whole lot of fun. Wish it was more recognized honestly.

A fun little platformer. Not perfect, and having to collect all the toads to fight the final boss is dumb but I still a great time.

I like the new content and characters but the controls are unfortunately worse than the original. Still Mario 64 at it's heart so it's still pretty solid.

The originator of the boost style gameplay of future games. The level design can be frustrating sometimes but I love the sense of style and speed. Also amazing ost seriously listen to the CD versions.

Plays like sonic rush which makes sense cause it's also on the DS. Not as fun as the Wii version but solid for what it is.

There's something addicting about drawing circles in this game idk why. Great story with fun gameplay. Also ukulele pichu is adorable.

The definitive Gen 4 Pokemon experience.

The perfect Mystery Dungeon game. Excellent story with amazing visuals and sound? Check. Great gameplay with large amounts of content? Check. Please play this game I promise it's amazing.

Much like Firered and Leafgreen before it, the Gen 2 remakes are excellent redos of past games. These feel like the most polished of the Gen 4 era of games.

While the gameplay and pacing is pretty slow by Pokemon standards this game still holds up really well. Set a very high bar for the DS Pokemon games.

While the story is perhaps less focused than the originals, all the new areas and content make this game top tier. Amazing OST and spritework just like the previous ones.

Despite a lot of negativity from certain parts of the Pokemon fandom when it released, this game has become recognized the amazing Pokemon game it is. While it is a bit linear it's focus on characters and story really shines through.

Absolutely love the message about avoiding seeing the world's issues as black and white. Grey area exists everywhere in life and to understand any issue, you have to see it.

People don't talk about ZX and they should. A Metroidvania styled Mega Man game with Zero style gameplay? A strong combination. First Mega Man Game I ever beat.