48 Reviews liked by ZachariBoi

This game is a very good "don't have to get invested in anything" type of game, and there's a lot of stupid fun things to do. I pick it up from time to time just to do something in my free time.

But I'm bad at it.

Masterpiece. Probably the best story and choice-based game I have ever played.

While the graphics, artistry and atmosphere is all on point and great, this game feels like it focused so much on all those things that it forgot to be an actually fun game, either that or it felt like it needed to pad out its run time for some reason

i say that because 90% of this game is just tedious puzzles that feel like busy work, and just parts that feel pointlessly redundant for the sake of wasting the players time, i honestly dont understand how this game was critically acclaimmed when it launched, do game critics just look at a pretty artsy game and think they have to immediatly throw a 10 at it without thinking about if it was an enjoyable or thought provoking experience? i wanna like this game and at times i do but that felt like 1/4 of my playthrough, very dissapointing

I never knew a pool video game could be so fun. A nice game to just chill out and relax to.

Story was pretty good but Tartarus sucks so much ass man

Everyone's main complaint about the game is about how it's "woke" and "political" when the entire premise of the game is about fleeing back to Mexico in a post-Trump USA after your father becomes a police brutality victim... like why did you even boot up the game at that point...?

breath of the mild(ly entertaining)

great music, some bosses are fun, otherwise weird atlus flop

Solid story, and fantastic mechanics, but man does blowing up procedurally generated baddies get boring after awhile!

got to the very end, dropped it. this game sucks ass

The first level is incredibly good and scary, sadly it falls apart after that by having worse levels, very low enemies variety and mediocre gameplay