48 Reviews liked by ZachariBoi

And a permanent stain on my steam profile was born

Wait, why was this actually funny and fun?

I about died laughing when I found out that Momo is a character.
Fairly basic tile-matching game with predictable power ups, but still well put together and fun. Otherwise it's memorizing random bits of information (birthdays, occupations, bra size... the usual "dating sim" shlock), and then laughing at the ridiculousness in between.

I wanted to like it because I like the aesthetic of it and the story seems interesting but... It's lacking so many accessibility options and it's a game that solely relies on "Haha this is so hard you have to be a gamer god to play this. Git gud."
Is it really that difficult to put accessibility options or maybe just an easy difficulty? I don't need the achievements, I just want to enjoy a game without raging every 5 seconds.
The graphics are also kind of mid for when it came out. Playstation 4 exclusive? And the graphics look like... /That/? Embarrassing...

Overrated game.

Not bad, not great, just decent. Bland gameplay, bland story, bland characters and social links (also shit design cause almost every female social link is considered romance and can't do social links with male main cast for some fucking reason). The only good thing about this game is soundtrack and ending.

the gameplay is atrocious tartarus fucking sucks and the already mediocre story is ruined by shitty pacing

The best part of this game was when it was over... cos it had a good ending! (and also the gameplay sucked lol)

To 11 year old me, it was the greatest game of all time.

To 21 year old me, it's a dated horror.

I commend it for getting me into JRPGs and dungeon crawlers but the gameplay and pace doesn't hold up well in its time and today. Story is fine.

TL;DR: just watch the movies instead.

it feels like this game is actively punishing you for doing anything. wanna explore tartarus? your teammates get tired and abandon you. will you just rush tartarus instead without killing that many enemies? now you're underleveled and can't get through the block boss. if you try doing social links without a guide they'll most probably end up reversed and now they don't work anymore.
this game has the worst combat of the trilogy (3, 4 and 5), the worst social links of the trilogy, the only thing that's redeemable of this game is it's OST and story. don't play this game.

fun but leaves a lot to be desired

tequila joseph being 1 million jojo points is absurd

Enjoyable for JoJo fans but has glaring flaws

Fantastic story of a woman who doesn’t know how to handle grief and using her coping mechanisms in the worst way possible

What Remains of Edith Finch is one if the most immersive and tear-jerking games I have ever played. For just a few hours, I was put into another world. I felt as if what happened in the story was something I had genuinely experienced. It tells one of the most heart-wrenching story that I have witnessed in years. And to that, I say fuck you developers. LET ME GO BACK. I WANT TO GO BACK IN. LET ME FORGET SO I CAN EXPERIENCE IT FOR THE FIRST TIME AGAIN

This game makes me physically cringe. Whoever wrote the script has NO idea how teens actually act. Story was kinda interesting but that's that. How can you make a story game and make the main character so unlikeable??