Really love this game, the combat is just.. not for me as someone disabled. I may restart it in the future on the easier setting. Regardless it’s so wonderful just in terms of style.


dont even fucking test me i love this game forever

I’ll pick it back up someday.. i do like it as a game but I think I prefer the older ac style (though I havent tried the newest instalment yet)

i need another pokemon game in this art style sooo bad

my beautiful sweet summer child the first real video game i ever played it will always be PEAK!

My only issue with this game is I wish it was longer (especially for its original price) , it’s very fun to play during the christmas season though.

i wish this game was less buggy n shit but also its So much fun ive spent so long on this thing. The main story is great , just wish i liked its gym leaders as much as those in swsh but that could change with time.

congrats to leon and raihan on their marriage


i could play this fucking game forever i still have stuff to do after 50 hours, but im counting it as completed since i finished the main story

as a conclusion this game was soo so perfect and future awaits makes me cry every time I hear it.