While the first game was alright, I started to love the series from here onwards.

The most enjoyable experience out of the mediocre games I've played. So it's a good mediocre game.

Fun to play with friends, story was meh. Cast was alright. Solid fighting game.

My first and probably last AC game, for what it was, it was an enjoyable experience. But the story pacing felt a bit weird. I played it after most the bugs got fixed so that wasn't a problem

Was my first Kirby game, loved every minute of it but nothing more than a simple platformer. The ending fight was pretty cool though.

My first ever 3DS game, fantastic art style, solid level design and alright ost. Solid game and severely overlooked in the grand scheme of things

Loved replaying the demo over and over on the 3DS

Probably the most serious amongst the three I've played in terms of story, Copen is cool. Again, it's just fun.

It's just fun, I like Gunvolt because it's fun and nothing more.

Really love the aesthetic and overall vibe/setting of the game. Not the best but a solid experience

All the characters are at least a solid 9/10
Setup/World-building 10/10
Story 9.5/10
OST 9/10
Overall 10/10

Loved the game, but the story felt a bit too short.

I love the game for what it is, mindless button-mashing.