The worst Assassin's Creed I've ever played. They tried to changed up the formula of the franchise and it falls flat on it's face. Boring combat, dead open world, and a bleak main character. Origins is one of the biggest letdowns of all time for me.

A really fun Assassin's Creed game where you actually feel like an Assassin. The setting of Paris is awesome! Where this game shines is the co-op heists, a really fun game mode with friends that makes this a memorable title.

Finally got around to playing this last year after getting a PlayStation. I didn't think it would live up to all the hype but it did that and more. Joel and Ellie's tale is something all gamers should experience. Gameplay is a little outdated but the story is what makes this game special.

A fantastic prequel to a fantastic game, RDR2 introduces you to a new protagonist (Arthur Morgan) while having John as a supporting character. Arthur and the gang's story is one for the ages, there's just nothing like RDR2 in gaming at the moment. Epic scale, tight narrative, and a breathtaking open world. Rockstar knocked this one out of the park. A serious game of the decade contender.

Fun game, Respawn did a good job with this one. Combat feels pretty good, environments looks straight out of the movies, and the boss fights feel varied. Certainly one of the best Star Wars games in recent memory.

What a fantastic game. As a newcomer to the franchise, I felt this game didn't rely on it's past entries at all. Kratos and Atreus' journey is full of interesting characters and one of the best villains of all time. Great dialogue, incredible atmosphere, and the Leviathan Axe is a one of a kind weapon. There could be some more enemy variety but this is a narrative game so I'll give it a pass. The one shot camera angle is unique and I absolutely loved it.

Miles Morales is a fine game. It certainly has it's moments but on the whole I thought it was much weaker than it's predecessor in every way. Miles feels extremely overpowered compared to Peter making this game feel much too easy. Don't get me wrong, it's cool to see Spider-Man having invisibility and electricity powers, but it's also extremely overpowered. Length could be longer, I finished this one in two sittings totaling around 5-6 hours.

This game blew me away. As someone who has never played RE before, I had no idea what to expect besides it being a horror game. It turns out RE is much more than just a horror game. The storyline in this one is just such a treat, traversing the mansion while solving puzzles and wondering when something will attack you keeps you on your toes at all times. The scarcity of resources is such a great touch, making the player be strategic with the way they approach each part of the game. There are certainly a lot of jump scares and you never know truly when one will come. What a fantastic game/

Straight up the most fun game you will ever play. Fantastic gameplay, great villains, and a lifelike New York City. Spider-Man is the game I grew up wishing existed and I'm so glad it exists now.

Having heard about this game for years, I was super excited to finally play it. It's certainly a fun game but I don't think it quite lives up to the hype. The combat is fun and the different bows keep it varied but the long traversal times from mission to mission make this game seem like a drag to get through. It doesn't help that the story has a very long low point throughout the middle. The game does pick up at the end and has a solid ending with a good boss fight. All in all, decent game that has potential for a much better sequel.

This games gets way too much hype for what it is. I understand it's old but man this game is so boring and clunky. I LOVE this genre though and thankful this game brought it to the spotlight, but that's about the only good part of this game.

WHAT A GAME!! I have spent thousands of hours doing almost anything you can think of in Los Santos. There's something for everyone in this game and it just does not get old no matter how much you play. I understand it gets a lot of hate for going 7 years strong, but when a game is this good sometimes you just gotta deal with it.

Pretty fun game with a tight story. Very short (around 5-6 hours) but it's certainly a fun experience. Some people overrate this one but it's a game worth playing if you have the chance. Good gunplay, decent story, and being in a Titan is a cool experience.

Perfectly average. The Tomb Raider reboot is just as fine as a game can get. Decent at all things, sometimes it's just fun to go on a quick adventure.

Probably the best Assassin's Creed game of the last generation. Really, really fun traversing Old England and playing as the twins. The last Assassin's Creed game where you can say you felt like a real Assassin. There's just nothing like Assassin's Creed when you're taking out hordes of enemies.