At least seeing the guys from retsupurae reading the creepypasta was hilarious

Damn I miss retsupurae

>no jumping
>no way to defend yourself upon being found
>no manual save system
>checkpoints are ridiculously far apart from one another
Haha no thanks.

Yeah I remember this weird-ass PS2 game called Sion, a man haunted by a tragic past Within him lies strength and kindness, but also great sorrow All this will change when he meets a girl named Dominique These are the residents of DOGSTREET: The Bouncer

Impressive animation for a PS1 game, everything else sucks.

Nem fudendo que esse é o 1000º jogo do meu perfil kkkkkkkkkk

That's enough! UNBEATABLE!

I mean, if you grab a map or something like that to look at while you play this, it's surprisingly pretty decent. And to be fair, the original release on the NES did include a map, so it's not like they didn't intend for you to do that anyway.

Well, it's better than Arkham Origins.

The story is pretty weak despite having its moments, but gameplay-wise this is peak Batman Arkham.

Sonic Unleashed without the shitty parts? Sure, I'll take it.

>release a demo for your new game
>spend the following years silent about it
>release the full game out of fucking nowhere
>refuse to elaborate and leave


This review contains spoilers

Basically Silent Hill 2's indie counterpart.

Remember when Shadow was a fairly decent character without his reputation being tainted by a shitty solo game and ow le edge memes? Those were the times, man.

Engaging battle system, generally well-written character interactions, great visuals and music, but unfortunately that wasn't enough to keep me playing when the game as a whole has such a godawful pacing. Most of the attempts at expanding on the dungeons/set pieces of the original game end up being pointless filler just to turn the Midgar portion into a full-length game, even though no one really asked for that.

By the time I got sent to the sewers after the Wall Market segment, I just didn't care anymore, thus I ultimately decided to drop this snoozefest and go play something else while I still had my cousin's PS4. The story was also losing me the more it went on, I wasn't liking the fact that Sephiroth was appearing every 5 minutes, the way those ghost things worked seemed completely arbitrary and don't even get me started on the hints that Aerith's fate might be changed.

To be honest, I don't think FFVII even needed a remake in the first place. The original game is perfectly fine as it is aside from maybe the graphics, a couple of late game materias being utterly broken and the shitty english translation, and all of those can be addressed with mods and/or patches if they bother you so much. Even so, the fact that this is what we ended up getting for a FFVII remake is pretty regrettable anyway. Yes, I know this is just the first part and all, if you liked FFVII Remake and want more, then good for you. As for me, I'll just pull a Cloud and say: Not interested.

PS: To give this a little bit of credit, it was an improvement over the Compilation of FFVII. Not that it means much, since a literal turd is better than the Compilation of FFVII, but it's something, I guess.