This SUCKS. The developer jerks off into his mouth.

This fucking sucks. Fuck nintendo fuck gamefreak and fuck pokemon for thinking this was good enough to release. Easiest fucking game ever I mean you get EXP share 2 gyms in? Fuck off this sucks

This stinks like SHIT. You people can't actually seriously genuinely unironically really for real believe this game is 4 and a half stars out of 5?

Like taking a long and painful acidic liquid shit.

I don't know what it is with females but I'm not too good at that shit

I'd rather shoot myself in the head than play this game fully again.


Bethesda hasn't published or released a good game in years, kinda crazy huh?

Blows hard, what a lame and shitty idea. Creepypasta tier writing

What a lame fucking story and a fucking bore, quantic dream cant make any good games.


Very lame, millennial aesthetic to this one.