The worst writing of any GTA game, empty characters, shitty missions, it just SUCKS hard

Unplayable without mods
Thanks Bethesda!

This stinks like SHIT. You people can't actually seriously genuinely unironically really for real believe this game is 4 and a half stars out of 5?

<1.12.2 - 4/5
Nowadays? Shit sucks dick
Shit soundtrack shit new additions they should just give up already nobody plays this anymore

Beautiful looking game, sadly it's not very enjoyable.


Boring walking simulator, a nice story ruined by the INCREDIBLY BORING FUCKING GAME.

Sucks like Doom (2016) but sucks even harder somehow
Leave this series dead and buried


Bethesda hasn't published or released a good game in years, kinda crazy huh?

Blows hard, what a lame and shitty idea. Creepypasta tier writing

What a lame fucking story and a fucking bore, quantic dream cant make any good games.

I'd rather shoot myself in the head than play this game fully again.