He he he ha
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This game was so good, nearly made me cry a couple of times. Wish I could experience it for the first time over again.
I loved how the story went. It builds beautifully on the first game while not changing very many of the mechanics, yet still giving it that "different game" feel. Many plot points were well executed, and the plot twist of Tyr being Odin had my jaw on the floor. The Æsir God boss fights were very enjoyable. Freyja's redemption arc was well done, and we got to see Faye in some flashbacks, wich was very nice! Virtually everything about the game I loved. Would play again, although I don't know if I can emotionally handle that.

Played with friends (granted, pretty much right after release), got some bugs and glitches and all that fun stuff. We lost interest after a while. Not a bad game, probably just needs time to work out all the bugs.

An extremely fun game in my opinion! Norse Mythology is one of my favorite things to study/learn about so this game is extremely interesting to me (although the game is more loosely based on mythology than an actual representation of it. Examples of this are Yggdrasil being present, but no tenth realm (in this case, Valheim) existing in the mythology. Furthermore, the bosses don't seem to be based on anything that I know of in mythology (aside from Eikthyr, which I think is a nod to Eikþyrnir)) But I don't think this is a bad thing at all, it gives the devs more artistic freedom to make the game however they'd like, and I think they're doing a very good job!!