This is when I realized I didn't care much for indies.

This is probably the best of the jackbox party packs but its only fun the first 50 times.

This zelda spinoff needed the fresh coat of paint, the aesthetics are a huge selling point, now I want to see this done for all the other overhead games.

Had fun playing this with my wife, but its really more of one of those "I wanted to like it more than I did" type games where wario is just a cool character. it'd be nice if they dropped a new wario land.

I just love wholesome games like this but its really not that good.

This game looks great, plays awesome, I understand there were minor design changes between this and the original but overall I really liked the settings and how you could go to different locals. I do personally put this at the top of the souls games I've played with Bloodborne at the bottom. (please note I haven't touched Dark Souls remake or Elden Ring yet)

this is a fun gamepass game not something I'd recommend unless your friends beg you to play with them, go for streets of rage 4.

I figure after 100 games these can be considered completed. I'd say this game had its hardcore fans and in terms of online communities this was a cool game if you're looking for that but the game just felt like more loading screens and child screams than anything else. there were/are much better team games for people who like team games and better shooters for people who like shooters, but this game definitely captured a certain audience's hearts.

This game has gone through so many changes that all criticisms and praise are invalidated through its history. This game is an example of how to choke hold an audience and steal their wallet.

I rushed through this game and had a great experience all told maybe 15 hours, but I got to say I didn't see the appeal to live in this game for 100s of hours like platinum era.

This review was written before the game released

More of the same yet somehow worse. I hope the game picks up in the future, feels dead even though its still alive and well.

Worth playing if you have friends who are already addicted, otherwise try H first, I hear its more fulfilling.

Tried playing this with the wife and some randoms came by and killed us and broke all our stuff. I can see where this is a fun game but its not for the faint of heart.

This is the kind of game you get with humble bundle. Its the equivalent to piles of old newspaper in the house, its primary usage is to keep dog poop off the floor.

This game looks cool, plays well and is alot of fun when the gang gets together, but we don't always have time so it's left behind, overall while incomplete this is still something I want to play more.