There is something fascinating about this game, definitely something worth discussion, but not a game to recommended and its really quite poor if you are looking at it with rose colored glasses.

This game will test your relationships this is actually a ton of fun!

This game was one hell of an experience, the story was awesome and LAN multiplayer was so cool.

This game was amazing I got 3 copies because they kept being played/scratched to death. this game is so cool, online multiplayer was awesome.

it took me 15 years to beat this game and I still don't remember the ending just 3 months ago.

honestly this was when I was losing interest in the franchise and shooters in general, it just didn't feel that good, I think modern warfare crushed this.

Fun with friends. I like the hub world and the unlock-able things, feels like a logical progression from games like gauntlet.

I love the idea of this franchise but I didn't get to far in this game and I don't think i'll go back to it.

This game was a cool experience but I would say that the thing I remember most about this game is that steam was offline and it didn't record that I beat the game.

I don't get it I thought I did but I don't and thats okay, hopefully you will.

Game is fun but difficult, requires grinding and feels too long. Its been years since I played it so I'll likely never finish, good luck on your journey. I will say there is this girl that i didn't know I was supposed to save and it really upset me that I didn't.

better than the second game as it really kicked the genre into high gear but the warhammer games that came out later are better.

I appreciate the closed story and enhanced ray tracing but the core game experience felt really enjoyable and I do recommend this game to anyone who values a medium difficult experience with a cathartic story.

This is one of those addiction style MMOs that once you're grabbed you're losing sleep, best to avoid this one, while its fun there are soon to be new ones and really the best moments of this game were limited game sessions from beta to release.

Some friends will pick this over civ 6 because of game time to complete, this isn't my pick but it's growing on me.

This game doesn't appeal to me, jumpscares make me anxious and I'm not really down to shit my pants over this one.