pretty enjoyable time killer
perfect to play in my class while the teacher is fvcking yapping

I made it through ~50% of the story and I just don't feel like playing it anymore.
Don't get me wrong, the start of the game was pretty promising and I was hooked, but the longer I kept playing, it just felt more and more boring/pointless.
As the logs suggest, I gave this game a chance for a whole month, but it just couldn't catch my interest.
This game keeps using these game-stretching techniques such as "Press R2 to open a door" or adding some meaningless cutscenes, which is unexplainably annoying.
By far the best thing about this game is combat. Clean and visually impressive combos, compared with pretty big range of customization. It is pretty good overall.
It's not THAT bad of a game, but considering how many other good games I have on my backlog list, I just won't bother finishing it.

After playing and enjoying tf out of MGS V: TPP, I decided to pick up the whole franchise from the start of it.
All I can say is, that I didn't expect that the game that came out when I wasn't even in my Dad's ballsack, would intrigue me so much.
This game is 26 years old now, and besides the various moments where the gameplay feels outdated, the game holds up pretty fucking good.
As a huge stealth fan, it was my duty to play the whole MGS series, and the first game in the series already impressed me, and taught me a lot about stealth in games.
Looking back, I can safely say that Hideo Kojima is really a g.o.a.t in the industry, and he deserves his flowers. It's not easy to make a game that will age like fine wine.

I'm a huge fan of stealth games, and decided to give this game a shot, cause of a mention in a video about good stealth games. I got to 6th chapter, and I just can't bother finishing this game.
I haven't played the first game whatsoever, but the characters are so unlikable and annoying, that it's part of the reason I won't finish this game.
As for the stealth mechanics they are pretty mediocre. The AI is dumb af, you can't really tell when you're gonna get spotted because of it. And even if u attack silently, they still somehow find you (I played on the hardest difficulty).
If there's one thing I can praise this game for, it's the visuals. But besides that there's literally nothing that hooked me into finishing this game.
I'm really trying to finish every game that I start, simply because I want to have a full point of view at the game, but this game will be a rare exception when I just won't finish a game.

physically im in 2024, but mentally im here.
I fucking love this game

I'm still coming back to this game from time to time, and the main reason is, there's just not other game like For Honor.
Amazing, skillfull and fluid medieval combat paired with PvP.
It was amazing at first, but now it's just unbalanced p2w.

I missed out on this game during the PS3 era, so without knowing the campaign I decide to give it a shot.
And with ease I can say, that it's in fact the best campaign in the Call of Duty franchise.
I've always prefered and liked Black Ops series from Theyarch more, than the Modern Warfare series, mostly because I just like sci-fi. But the Black Ops series imo completely outclasses the Modern Warfare series, and BO2 is just a plain example.
Impactful story choices is what I needed and wanted in Call of Duty campaigns and here it's well fuckin' done.
The only two flaws for me are : kinda outdated gunplay, and the length of the campaign.
Haven't played much multiplayer cause in 2024 the Steam version is packed with cheaters, so your only way is to use community made launchers/servers.
Also, it's a fucking joke that the 12 year old game is 64$ in 2024, but it's Activision to blame I guess.

The most overhated COD of all time.
Biggest shame of this game, is that it doesn't have a campaign. Besides that, it's one of my personal favourites multiplayers in COD's.
I really liked the "hero-shooter" vibe it had with the abilites and healing system. The camo's are so beautiful, I'd say BO4 has the best camo's in COD history.
Also about Blackout, it failed by bad Activison decisions. Cause while Fortnite was basically the most popular game in the world, they decided to make it pay-to-play in full game price. It really could've been the biggest Fortnite competitor back then.

It's one of those games, that you know it would be 10/10, only if it was truly finished.
The core gameplay and stealth mechanics are one of the best, if not the best ever created in video games. There are so many mechanics implemented in the stealth approach alone, that details like weather, time, and clothing affect your visibility (this is Metal Gear Solid, after all). The arsenal of available weapons, gadgets and other tactical items is so large that before each mission you need to select the appropriate equipment for a given purpose.
Unfortunately, the advantages of this game end with the amazing mechanics and gameplay, because the plot, although well-written, has a lot of shortcomings. For example, halfway through Chapter 1, the plot drags terribly and we are given mostly pointless missions. Not to mention Chapter 2, which although in my opinion is better written than the first one, it's so unclear that you can get lost in it completely.

The prince gets schizophrenia, and has a badass black guy tangled with chains inside his fucking head, who uncontrollably takes over his body to murder enemies. How can u not like that.
Besides, as far as i remember, it's the first game I've ever played in my life, on my PS2. I remember launching this game with my older brother excited as shit, just to take turns while playing (i was the last one to play of course).
The game and basically the whole series, is what got me into parkour/stealth/action games in general.
Huge love and nostalgia, is what I have for this game.

I never played any final fantasy game, and this turned out to be the first one. And what else can I say, I really fucking enjoyed it. The gameplay is smooth and can get very creative with all the possibilities, although some enemies have bad movesets and they're hard to read, which makes it hard to dodge them.
The campaign itself, is beautiful in my opinion. But it gets boring at the very start and it's easy to abandon this game at first. It's one of those games that get better later on.
And by far my favourite thing in this game, are the character's and the character's writing. It is a rare occasion, when i really-really like a character in a video game, and there are not many games that actually accomplished that for me. But FFXV is one of them for sure.
But the game has it's flaws too. Few examples :
-the camera during combat likes to freak out when there's a lot of enemies
-the "side quests" are just literal boring fed-ex'es
-the car exploration feels really slow, unless you upgrade your regalia

If it wasn't for these things, I would've gave it a 4,5 stars. It's still a good game nonetheless.

After 82 hours, I have just finished my first playthrough of Baldur's Gate 3, and let me start by saying that I will probably never experience an RPG like the third Baldur again.
I'll start with how my adventure with this game began. As a fan of RPG games even before the release of BG3, I knew that a series such as Baldur's Gate existed, but I had never played it because I was not born yet when the first two parts were released. I wasn't interested in Dungeons & Dragons either, so I was completely new to turn-based RPGs. I knew about BG3, but I wasn't interested at all because I had never played a turn-based RPG and I said it wasn't for me.
Well, I said so until I decided to buy Baldur's Gate 3. Encouraged by the good reviews of the game, I decided to buy it.
And what can I say, it was one of the best gaming decisions I've ever made.
During the first hours I was learning the entire turn-based RPG system, but after a few hours the game was so enjoyable that I couldn't stop playing. The turn-based combat system, which at the beginning was the main reason that turned me off from this game, turned out to be one of the game's greatest advantages.
There are so many possibilities for customizing combat that it's unimaginable. It's a total sandbox where you can do whatever comes to your mind.
Moving on to the general part of the game, there is nothing to criticize about Baldur's Gate 3. This game does everything perfectly. Hundreds, or even thousands, of dialogue choices that completely change the course of your adventure. Perfect character creator that allows you to create the character you want (in addition, there are numerous mods that add new visual things such as faces, hairstyles, clothes, armor, etc., I highly recommend installing)
As I wrote at the beginning, it took me 82 hours to complete the game for the first time, which is completely unique when it comes to single-player games. Moreover, during these 82 hours, I never once felt bored or tired from playing.
And even after finishing the game for the first time, I already want to play it again, with a new hero with a new class and subclass, with new companions and with new choices throughout the entire plot that will radically change its course.
I could go on and on about the positives of this game, but there's just too much.
To sum up, Baldur's Gate 3 turned out to be my dream RPG game that I had always been waiting for.

overall gameplay in this game is pretty good and fun, but the rest (mainly campaign) is just fucking trash.

I might overrate this game due to my nostalgia to it, but overall I would still stay that it's a very good game.
It is one of the first single player games, that I've completed when i got my first PC, and to this day I have really heartwarming memories with it.
Also, this game is from my homeland (Poland)
(the game was also pretty popular in our country due to it) , and playing it for the first time when I was younger in my native language, was just a different type of feeling.

It's a really good game, but it's not perfect. I'd say the story isn't the best thing about it for sure. It felt too childish most of the time, even though the game is PEGI 16 (there were a couple of mature scenes but not too many).
But besides that the game is excellent, especially combat and traversal wise. First of all it's one of the better "beat'em up's" games. The amount of fighting moves, abilities and combo extenders is amazing. It felt somewhat like Devil May Cry 5 per say. Now talking about traversal system, it may be the best one ever created in video games. If you take time and practice your swinging skills, it becomes very satisfying and smooth (especially on 0-1 assist swing option) .
But these are the only two main good things about this game, the story drags it down and i can't rate it higher than 8/10
A must play for every PS5 owner for sure.

i also went for the platinum trophy and it's very easy