the best reason to own a nintendo ds

it's an important game but it's not a great game

can i give this 6 stars

add ahsoka to the game unless you don't want an extra star

vittorio de sica's 1948 film, "the bicycle thief," and respawn entertainment's 2016 video game, "titanfall 2." two works of art that are equal in influence, cohesion, and cultural value.

my turnips are spoiling as we speak

can someone please give falcom a budget so they can make more games that are written this well but that people might actually play

i am so grateful that the events of this game were (almost) completely forgotten in kh3

i hate this stupid game but i've played it for 4 years

aqua dress up time is pretty fun

a financial dominatrix bought this for me when i was in high school

realistically, it's hard to explain how much kh2 has meant to me over the years, and kh2fm is just the luxury sports car version of kh2. this game is my sanctuary