Played 4 races and got bored quickly with janky controls

First half was fine but second half become unplayable with so many projectiles on screen and every time I died have to start at beginning. That was enough for me and decided to stop.

Played for 20 hrs and defeated omega prorate and collected 10 artifacts but got tired of all the backtracking. Good game and way ahead of its time. Fast travel would’ve made this more bearable.

Only played career mode and it was okay. Nothing to write home about.

Product of its time and epitome of a ps1 release. A janky mess but still with some charm

Played for about 4 hrs and "died" a few times so had to start over on two characters. Not for me.

After 20 hrs and 2 bosses were defeated, I decided to stop playing.

Unlocked the three characters and beat chapter 1 boss, but it started to get grindy and repetitive. Retiring after 6.5 hours.

I played this game for just under 30 hrs and finished the light side, but not able to finish the dark side. But after 400+ games with only 1 win, I am going to call it done!

Continues ran out so didn’t finish it but got bored

After 44 hrs, I decided to stop playing. I completed the main bosses but didn't get to the true ending and defeating mother.

I finished Act 1, but didn't have the Key and therefore couldn't progress to Act 2 and 3. Decided to stop playing.

Died after the 4th stage and had enough.

I was under-levelled at the final boss and died pretty quick but after 40 hrs I had enough. Watched the ending on Youtube.