It serves its purpose to train your aim with several settings.

Honestly, it's not a bad game, but it feels very unpolished and i feel that the 3D world was too big for this developer, there are so many bugs, clunky animations.

But i believe if you can look past the bugs, there's a good game here that needs work to be a decent one.

My god, who greenlit this? There's nothing holding the player here.

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SPOILERS Extremely aggressive and a thin story, there's almost no point besides killing people over and over.

The story begins with a reporter what wants you to uncover and destroy a snuff filmmaker, the gameplay is horrible and so repetitive, it's a grind to get to the end.

I finished the campaign and it was excruciating, what a mess, the story is so shallow, and the taks are so repetitive and begin to be chore.

Not a good game at all.

I'm loving my time being a new player, but i fear that the endgame can't hold me forever.

It's a good game to pass the time, but other than that, falls flat on an uninteresting story and only two consequences for your actions.

I have a hard time with indies like these, playing AAA games all my life, it's a struggle to play something so simple, i know there's something good here. But i just can't stand behind it.

What an incredible game, it has so much depth, patches where champions get weaker/stronger, they add more champions, there are classes, teams, this game is the best MOBA manager hands down.

Kinda interesting idea for a game, it plays really well like a short film.

Nothing wrong with the game, just not my style.

Not my kind of game, i feel so lost and underwhelmed.

The thing about this game is that it's impossible not to get impressed by it. The mechanics, the graphics, the music, this game has every technical aspect refined and polished.

But when you look about the story, which is thin and apathetic, the quests dull and repetitive, it's impossible to give this game good grades, just like Assassin Creed, a beautiful game trapped inside a terrible story.

These supernatural games like Death Stranding, this one, have no story with the most weak plot ever, they have no backstory to sustain it and only offer mundane gameplay.

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It's amazing how much you can care about a fictionary world, about made up characters, but they seem like you know them personally.

The story is top notch and so smart, it's incredible what they could do with Leviathan and the Reapers: purpose, not making them Bond-villains with terrible wishes or desires for the world, but logical grand scheme life choices.

While your choices don't matter in the end, they matter a lot in your journey, it's the most ridiculous thing hearing about lack of choices in a game where every dialogue changes the next one in a meaningful way, the ending with the three choices, should have a end organic life, but they knew that could never happen, regardless the game leads you to Synthesis being in the middle of the screen, you just need to run there, and the Catalyst says this is the ideal one and all the other choices would lead to the same even if they fail, eventually Synthesis would be the only way to have Organic and Synthetic life in the galaxy.

It's sad watching so many comments, thinking that ending organic life it's the "perfect" choice, because in the end it will lead to the same place where Synthetics will revolt against Organics, even without the Reapers, another Synthetic race will rise.

The perfect choice is Shepard living along all of his crew, this is not The Sims, and the story is about war, sacrifice and preservation of life and the galaxy, Synthesis is the only choice and the only one Shepard himself would choose, every life needs to have a choice, even Synths like EDI need to understand, Shepard died but he saved the galaxy, the greatest mass effect is Shepard himself.