Its kinda dated, but it's hold up as a good GTAesque game, the missions are incredibly fun, the lack of features as swimming sucks and you need to mod to be able to swim, but still a good game.

It's creative and can be fun for a while, but it gets very stale.

It's hard to put a objective analysis playing FM for 15 years+, but there's no competitor to it, other games in this genre try to copy FM but the only one that comes close is OOTP and even OOTP suffers from many problems like mods, UI and others.

FM is incredible and even if they don't change a lot of things from one year to another, the pleasure to take a small team to the championship will always be terrific.

Finished the Early Access.

My first impression of this game was phenomenal, sadly the more I played, the less enjoyment I found, the Fallout-esque gameplay got me, but it suffers from the same disease of infinite material with barely no use after a while, useless loot, and mindless NPCs with just a few with unique dialogues and quests.

Meh, they need to innovate and make more noob friendly.


A bit like a film or a tv show, a good change of pace for video games, but to me it'll never have the depth of a good show.

An interesting story and it's clear that the developers love the game and are engaging to make the best out of it.

Worth a shot.

Incredibly original witha good-ish story, what makes this game a great one is the environment, the characters, it's beautiful, the side quests are enjoyable and the combat can feel rewarding.

But what sets a part this game from great to a masterpiece, is the enormous hydra bugs, it's impossible to play this game without any bugs, and they are so so annoying, the amount of freedom is bound by the bugs that you may encounter, the bushs that feel like a rock, the clunky combat bites your ass, and without some quality of life mods, feels a chore to play. A lesson for the next game, but this one has a extremely solid foundation.

It serves its purpose to train your aim with several settings.

This game has the potential to be so much better, but they put requisites that are so so bad, the developers have no idea how to operate this kind of game. The story behind it it's terrible, terrible. And the DLC, that should be so fun, but instead they put so many requisites that make the game a chore.


A great game with an astonishing gameplay, it's so fluid and diverse with a lot of weapons.

The replayability to get through the story hinders this game a lot, this is something that is proven to be a terrible design a la Diablo with its Hell difficulties.

Quite a good simulator per se, but it begins to be a chore after a time, and takes the fun away and the learning curve becomes a mess trying to be realistic to a fault.

Honestly, it's a beautiful game, very detailed with lots and lots of things to do, the open world really did justice.

But for me it's too childish, the lack of objectives with so much UI to do it, the NPCs are empty and they barely add anything to this game, the story is cliché but that shouldn't surprise anyone, you don't play for the story, but for the adventure.

Again, the game is superb in so many aspects, i just could not play this, not my thing.

The controls are a mess, playing this on PC is huge hurdle, the visuals are nice and it's a nice chill game, but it's very hard to get used to the odd keymappings.

The RPG that set the foot for a lot of games, incredible, original even 30 years later, what a blast to play this game.

The soundtrack is amazing.