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Everything feels great in this. I loved the turn based combat after you learn more of your abilities. The basic attacks fill up your magic points, I like how timing your attacks leads to more damage, the combos that keep things interesting, the lock mechanic to break enemy attacks, and there are consumables to use if you're desperate.

Exploring is also fun but a little linear. The puzzles are okay and feel like busy work sometimes. Finding the secrets was okay. Didn't feel that rewarding since I hadn't discovered why I needed the rainbow conches yet before I quit the game. The music, art, and animation were very good.

I think where Sea of Stars lacked allure for me was its story and writing. It's serviceable, but it lacked character and excitement. The two main characters in particular were devoid of personality. There was very little humor as well.

I loved the board game from what I played. It's basic and luck-based but fun and satisfying! I am a sucker for in-game board/card games though.

This review contains spoilers

This has to be one of the most unbearable games I’ve played. The greatest disconnect between public perception and personal experience I’ve ever had. The gameplay is so fucking tedious. Unskippable cutscenes and transitions during location changes that take very long. Wouldn’t be too bad normally, but they happen constantly.

The writing is just okay. Sometimes it’s interesting but other times they’ll beat you on the head with some plot points. Also the translation isn’t great at points. Very confusing writing. Comedy that doesn’t translate. It seems like a teenager’s first draft of police talk. Really dumb writing. Tetsu goes “I’m gonna shoot your fucking head off!” Hachisuka goes “So basically…I was on my period.”

Some music repeats too often. Some of tracks are pretty good.

The central mystery isn’t very strong. I think a big part of that is how nonchalantly the police act about it. They don’t seem to care, so I don’t either.

The parts I liked
Music is usually pretty good. Sometimes annoying and discordant. I like the art. Some of the mystery is intriguing. Some characters have depth. Some adult themes you don’t see shown so intensely: sexism.

The storyline about the little boy who dies from a weak heart and his friend doesn’t remember what happened. They both protect each other from bullying. His ghost is haunting the apartment complex.

The flashback real footage sequences. The haunted mansion was a standout.

Impromptu pop quiz to test you by the police squad.

Charming as hell. The animations are frequently hilarious. It feels a lot like Scott Pilgrim with some similar gameplay elements to Persona 5. Even just the music, interacting with Mom and Dad, the flavor text scattered around with interact-able objects, and the cozy vibes all remind of P5's structure; where every day starts and ends at the family home.

Because of the obvious inspiration I was letdown that you don't actually get to pick who you date, since the game heavily suggests that maybe the relationship with each ex could be something more. Leveling up your relationship with each ex feels more like GTA IV in that each relationship will unlock different perks, but there is no cutscene and relationship conclusion like P5.

I enjoyed the turn-based combat initially, but as with any game of this genre, my enjoyment waned the more time I spent with it. I think a big issue with this game is the QTE's. It is chock-full of them.

The writing is surprisingly good and there's a lot of it. In between the cooking mini-game, turn-based combat, texting your ex's, and interacting with characters throughout the compact world. It does get cringy at points, but really not that bad. I've seen much worse and the game doesn't deserve the flak its gotten for that.

I had to abandon this game because its gameplay was starting to wear thin. I'm not a big turn-based fan and the skateboarding to get around is very basic. It's a good time though if you don't mind that stuff. Surprisingly affecting story from what I played.