31 reviews liked by allangarib

+ the first act creates a brooding, foreboding atmosphere
+ biomes are distinct and the open areas are well designed
+ surprisingly good lightning, shadow and particle effects
+ technology equipment system is a smart and fresh new mechanic
+ Dolmen boss mechanic is a good idea that mostly works well
+ the reactor/elemental mechanic adds a lot of complexity to the combat
+ ranged attacks add a lot of options and gunplay is pretty satisfying
+ equipment crafting is quick and can be tailored to specific challenges
+ the (very limited) voice acting is pretty good
+ the relatively short playtime is quick and dirty
+ the cutscenes are stupidly enjoyable
+ performance mode is mostly stable

- let's be honest here: the title is pretty terrible
- lack of polish: there's heaps of glitches, typos, clipping issues etc.
- the whole UI is flatout terrible and gives the game a cheap look
- damage numbers look amateurish and have an awful font
- enemy AI is mostly non-existent and bosses can easily be cheesed
- the various combat options can get confusing (7 buttons!)
- most animations are barebones and look unfinished
- close combat has no weight to it and hit feedback is weak
- enemy placement feels random and unintuitive
- most enemies have unreliable, unclear hitboxes
- many boss runs are far too long and tedious
- the camera freqently gets in the way of the action
- lock-on system is barely working at a greater range
- energy meter refills extremely slowly
- using a beacon (bonfire) does not refill batteries (flasks) in full
- crafting materials are not itemized in the menu
- the main antagonist is completely forgettable
- the music is bland and of low audio quality
- loading screens are in bad taste
- the final segment and the ending are short and laughable sequel bait

Magic Moment: Following frosty ranged attacks with a timed reactor hit and barely killing a big, wormy enemy in time.

Blagic Moment: Reading a random YT comment on how running in circles around a certain boss to kill him without resistance and asking myself: Is this fun?

Playtime: 17 hours at level 60 with all beacons, roughly half of all crafting items and all bosses, some killed repeatedly in Dolmen mode. Played in single player mode only - the multiplayer seems to be dead anyway.

Dolmen is a weird game. This debut by a Brazilian studio feels remarkably aggressive in its contradictoriness: with each new situation, it becomes clearer that this is not a good, or even a finished product, and yet, for some reason, it keeps you engaged through its relatively quick runtime. Each fresh new gameplay idea - of which there are many - is offset by subpar production values and lazy design decisions. The audio-visual quality oscilates between terrible and surprisingly decent, the atmosphere is involving until the broken enemies and mindless boss fights appear, and the combat is a collection of unfair but sometimes also incredibly satisfying situations. It almost feels like the team uncovered a lost PS3 game with bonkers PS2 cutscenes and added modern combat mechanics to it, while also, somehow, offering a surprising amount of fun to anyone willing to grind their way through a whole lot of jankiness along the way.

Most people should probably skip this, but if you are a die hard fan of Soulslikes and would like to know how the genre is evolving at the moment, take a look at it. However, finishing it is not really necessary to get something out of it and one playthrough is absolutely enough - there is no New Game+ anyway.

Cara um dia tava sem nada pra fazer e olhei minha biblioteca da epic games e vi que tinha resgatado esse jogo de graça, olhei, baixei e joguei sem compromisso e adorei o jogo!
Cara a sensação de velocidade é muito bem transmitida, as pistas são bem variadas e algumas são bem desafiadoras com curvas muito fechadas e ruas finas.
A trilha sonora é excelente, sempre te deixa motivado a chegar em primeiro e combina pra caramba com as corridas, além disso tem um remix do tema clássico de Top gear, pois o compositor desse jogo é o mesmo do Top gear.
A variedade de carros é incrível, sério tu pode jogar com um Fiat Uno com escada, carro da autoescola e até com uma Kombi, no qual utilizei para zerar, e é muito satisfatório desbloquear carros novos e as DLCs são muito boas e com preços justos, só não testei ainda a DLC do Senna.
De resto é um jogo ótimo e uma jóia para jogos independentes brasileiros. VAI BRASIL!
E além disso foi o primeiro jogo que zerei no launcher da Epic games.

This game is good. HOWEVER there is a MASSIVE caveat. The boss ai's can be amazingly stupid and sometimes you just have to wait and bait bosses for several minutes so you can exploit their weakness and climb on. The controls can also be jank asf and make you fall off completely or clip through or something stupid. Aside from the negatives the game is still super good when it wants to be and the colossus fights feel amazing when you're scaling them. The isolationist feel of the world helps tremendously as well and the graphics are on point.



Foi meu primeiro mergulho na série Arkham, e fiquei imediatamente apaixonado pela "atmosfera" sombria classica das series do morcegão, além da jogabilidade envolvente que pra epoca ERA MUITO BOA. O destaque pra mim foi os quebra-cabeças Charada, que me mantiveram viciado e motivado a explorar cada canto do mapa. Muito bom demais!

Tem algo nesse jogo que faz ele mais esquecível que MW, não sei o que é, mas acho que é o quão genérico o vilão é.

Uma mistura de Underground com Most Wanted que leva a sequência de história do protagonista no jogo anterior. Agora tem um sistema de equipe nas corridas, cada um pode fazer uma função, seja lançar seu carro para mais velocidade através de vácuo ou bater e bloquear outros carros.

A novidade da customização aqui é o carbono por assim dizer. A polícia aqui está um pouquinho mais apelona, mas aparece bem poucas vezes. Além disso, finalmente colocaram muscle cars.

Such a unique atmosphere, really amazing world building, immersion and soundtrack, side quests are in my opinion better than those from any other Bethesda Fallout ( including New Vegas ) which makes the exploration very interesting in this game. Main quest is not incredible though

idk why people hype it so much, it's good but it ain't that good (at least for me)

One of the greatest games in the world for 2 days

3 lists liked by allangarib