a beautiful masterpiece. are there problems? sure. but this is everything i've wanted as a lifelong pokemon fan. i so hope they continue down this path because this game and mac demarco and reeses peanut butter cups were the aesthetic of january 2022 and i wouldn't have it any other way

oh what fun. such whimsy. it was hard, yes, but i loved it. i hold this game in my heart so much. top 15 for me.

a great game, beautiful, easy to understand, all the puzzles are great and the combat is fluid. challenges are fun and challenging. you should give this a shot.


i looked forward to this game for a long time, something that was relatively new to me, and for a month i was eating sleeping and breathing TUNIC. i was thinking about its puzzles, its lore, it. i love this game and would recommend it to everyone.

man i fucking lucked out this year with the back to back to back hits. this is one of my favorite games ever now and i just love ellie and joel and their whole world. the last of us is part of me now and i will always love it.

i bought this game for my birthday and it was kind of a miss. i'm sure this is fantastic for all kirby fans and i can feel the joy oozing from this one but it's j not for me sadly

this was a major hit. a perfect continuation of the series that seems to be more catered to me in every way. story is 3 times better at least, the music, the snowy aesthetic, the VILLAIN omg the villain. love this and cannot wait for spiderman 2

it will take me a long long time to decide if i like this or the original more but despite the controversy i LOVE this game. oh my god. i don't even like stealth / zombie / horror games that much but i was willing to stick through it because of how much this game had me in its grasp. holy shit.

pretty fun. i played through the main story and then the post game bored me, but for a while this was the only game i played. i'd recommend giving it a shot if you have it.

i should stop giving out 5/5s but man this game... i'll recommend this game until the day i die, i have never been more relaxed than i was with this game. i'll always love the soundtrack, the characters, the feel... i love a short hike.


this was a fuck ton of fun, the fights were so unique and sick. i played on medium for most and then easy at the end and i don't feel the need to go back. would recommend.

i think this is the template for how you balance story games with gameplay. the gameplay was fun and i was thinking about it, but while playing i was also able to think about the story and where it might lead. i really like this one

despite loving the base game i felt that this was a bit underwhelming for how long it took. the bosses were amazing, don't get me wrong, but the new character was basically an easy mode. idk i'd say play this if you like the base game but don't expect major changes


i can't say that i understood all the themes but this game is so beautiful and even if you don't play it you should watch someone play it or even j listen to the soundtrack. this one has so much going for it.

simple easy fun, i'll come back to this with like spencer twice a year but that's it.