8 reviews liked by angyalosi

Unfortunately this game bungles some good ideas by leaning too hard into ra ra American nationalism. It wants to delve into important themes, like the USA's long history of institutional racism, but can't really stick the landing because BJ is at his very core a patriot. This game recognizes that racism is deeply ingrained in American society, but thinks that recognition is enough.

Hi, I'm the first person on Backloggd to log Jet Set Radio Future and I'm glad my first-ever invocation of "First" is for a thing I'm shamelessly in love with.

Remember the first time you saw one of the movie scenes transition to the game models and it blew your 13-year-old mind?

I mean, it’s no Warcraft 3, let’s be real.

This game changed my life, in that it inspired me move to San Francisco from the east coast to begin happily working at Double Fine for most of my adult life. Once there, I located a wife and a corgi, the former of which teamed up with me to spawn a son. Psychonauts is the butterfly wing flap that I can trace most of the great things in my life back to. I can't think of another game that has had such an impact. Seems worth a 5 star rating.

A good, but not super memorable Splinter Cell. Well, there is one memory... the .exe process stayed alive in my tray when I quit for the last time, and it stayed there for 600+ hours before I found it and killed it. It climbed to the top of my Steam library most played list as a result.