Namco's tendency to pigeonhole studios into doing one thing is a fuckin drag, so it's nice to have seen Keita Takahashi break out of the Katamari Containment Chamber and try something really strange. It's neat, and I loved my time with it, but at this point it fills me with eerie memories of both the time I had with it (I was borrowing a friend's PS3 for a weird reason) and also the friction of this era and the slow ceasing of publishers making smaller games.

Playing this as a kid was neat because it was my first exposure to sim stuff in an FPS format, but trying to plot the path from here to ArmA to DayZ to survival games as a genre is comparatively unfathomable. Though, weirdly, getting from here to Tarkov is much easier to understand.

that domino meme but buying this game to randy pitchford leaves csa material at a medieval times

Literally the best contribution this game has is making it so in the sequel they have to justify not having access to cops with chainguns and that justification just simply being "You can't trust cops."

I came to this late (meaning like middle 2000s) running headlong into the game's reputation, and like idk it's fine! I feel like this game's reputation says more about it's audience than it's content. It's a medium starved for quality writing and so we end up lionizing the fine into the elite.

I've never had a game make me exhausted before. Like, I'm in my middle thirties, so it's something I should have been prepared for. I was not, and when it happened, I was in wonder as I stumbled away from the television. I will finish this some day.

About as good as you could hope for a decades late revival to be, aside from Sonic Mania, and the idea that Sega has gotten MULTIPLE amazing resurrections of franchises they do nothing feels like the kind of negligence you call decision making later.

My brother loved it, and wanted me to play it, and never considered that the response it would drive out of me is "boiling rage." The narrator is maybe one of the most effective horror movie villains of all time, like a tech bro body snatcher. Several modern adventure games DREAM of being able to drive that kind of stress on someone's blood brain barrier, and they've done it with re-contextualized incomplete assets.

In my scale, a 2 means I regret playing it. The only reason I regret playing it is that once I found the cutscene I liked, there's been literally no reason to ever re-install it, and because I bought this game for the funny cutscenes because I was a dumbass, there's two more of these things, and I feel some responsibility there.

For all the times I've seen someone say that winning the lottery would be awful, I think Suda 51 has put evidence forward that winning two small lotteries might be worse.

Somewhere in this house I have this game. I'm pretty sure it's the most expensive game I own now. Unfortunately, I'm occasionally prone to throwing things out in weird fits of rage, so, it's also possible that it's gone and I'm a huge idiot. Who can say!

This game is precious, but not any good. It is as crystalline as an example as you can get of how the game industry was spreading its money around, and how higher development costs has strangled the output of studios to one game per five years if they're lucky. Imagine some big game releasing a version where everyone was big headed babies, but everything else was exactly the same. It's preposterous! It's lovely that this gesture was ever possible.

I feel like every time I got close to being able to play this game with four friends, something happened. Arcades closed, friendships ended, global pandemics, just all sorts of weird stuff. In my mind I like this game a lot, but I've never really had a chance to prove it!

The best of the Genesis Headbutting Games, over Decap Attack, Kid Chameleon, and surprisingly many others. Thanks, Treasure!

On one hand, I think the people who refuse to play Disco Elysium because it's "too mean" or because Cuno is so vulgar are depressingly childish.

On the other hand, after the fourth fat joke about the fat character, who is fat, I lost all desire to help anyone in this game and shut it off.

Everyone's a hypocrite somewhere!