i think that this is the most expensive version of Minecraft which is excessively funny to me

this game properly invented the third person shooter as we know it 17 years ago and in that time people are yet to make another that tops it

i just dont think i would ever play this again over the original? it doesn't really offer a very different experience it's really just the same thing with a different (worse) flavour

the miserable narrator explaining the point of the game to you the entire time is enough to shift my perspective of this game from a vaguely interesting piece of endurance art to a smarmy and self-rightous wankfest

cute little experience! loved the vibes but holy shit the gameplay REALLY wasn't up to much

so that was my first metroid and it was a tight little piece! loved the atmosphere and music. Exploration was pretty well designed too i never got lost or frustrated. Still i feel like it was a bit short even though i took a bit longer with it than most (about 5 hours 30 mins) and as with all metroid the combat (especially boss battles in this) leaves a bit to be desired. Great time regardless!

the best first person shooters ever all bundled in one package for like £40? Thats crazy.

definitely one of the more fun early NES titles. there's a bit of jank and stiffness but i actually think it works in the games favour oddly enough. my proudest video game achievement is beating this game in one sitting without save states. Not really 'tough but fair' more 'tough but beatable with enough resolve' which i definitely think works for me if you catch me in the right mood.

so much fun in such a little package

massacres the tone and energy of the original game which i would argue was its strongest feature. It's still half-life at its core so it's obviously a quality title but just a demonsterably worse version of a great title.

real cute! real tight! real swell! real neat!

even after fifteen years no other game has been capable of matching this co-op experience. Every individual aspect of this game is carefully, perfectly designed to make sure you have as much fun with your friends as is humanly possible