I love tetris so this was a very fun experience, some tracks were kinda eh but overall the journey mode was a very relaxing and crazy experience

if you download the touch skip mod, the game becomes way more fun

as a hitman game, this game sucks.
as a normal stealth game, its actually pretty fun, if at times flawed.

A very punishing game, sometimes unfairly so. Despite this its still a very fun game and is extremely addicting.

fun metroidvania type game, but not outstanding

better than the first, a fun game but idk how to describe hte gameplay. Its fun trust me

Not as fun as 3 and just a boring ass game

Its short and its kind of funny to see how goofy you look playing it, but nothing crazy. Very short as well.

The multiplayer is really fun, though I would say 4 players are essential cause with only 2 the games end very quickly

Pretty good considering its a unique take on the typical warioware formula, with how you control characters. Pretty fun both singleplayer and multiplayer experience. Some characters suck to play as though

Amazing game, the combat is amazing, the story is amazing, the characters are amazing. Just amazing, not without its flaws but nothing that really ruins the game.

I got the plat for this game and my god is it amazing. Not a flawless game nor is it the best final fantasy, but it is an amazing game with amazing characters and story. The gameplay was really fun with all the eikon combinations u can get, but sidequests can tend to be a bit boring sometimes. Overall an amazing game and one well worht anybodys time.

The soundtrack goes too fucking hard for a puzzle game about cubes in a void

Pretty fun minus the camera being the camera. Also fuck the boat controls