Top 10

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Either Japanese PS2 release. HD Edition is suitable (PS3/Japanese is best)
PC. Consoles are pretty much just as good I'm sure.
Japanese Nintendo 64. Switch Online is suitable.
Japanese "International" PlayStation release. The switch versions alright.
IBM PC version with MT-32 Audio. Best way to play today is ScummVM with mixed Midi SFX. Special edition in classic mode is fine (text too fast without voice
Ver. 1.22
PS3 or PC. Return to Arkham is fiiiine ig if your only option. Would recommend x360 version on a newer Xbox over that if possible though.
Obviously best on an old Win 98 machine and CRT monitor, but Remastered services on any modern hardware (tank controls are a must tho)
Japanese Rumble Pack N64 version. 3D Collection/All-Stars is the best modern release. Switch Online is fine if that's not available to you.
PC. Though the newest ports on everything are pretty good.


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