Played this with the Nathan Drake Collection. I do not recommend playing those games one after the other cause that fatigue is probably a part of this low rating.
Game just felt repetitive and I didn't see how it really pushed the series forward. Think I stopped playing halfway through.

Have tried to play it again recently and couldn't do it. Ugly game. At the time it came out I thought it at least had good shooting and you could finally move your character. But now, it just feels wonky. I would rather just not move like in RE4 or RE5 than feel how it does in RE6. Story is bad. Not scary. Not fun. RE5 wasn't scary either but at least it was fun and had a story I got engaged with. RE6 is just a dumpster fire. Thankfully it allowed them to course correct afterwards.


Arcane kills it with the level design. But their other games did a better job with combat and giving you the tools to explore these great levels. This game definitely fell short after playing Dishonored and Deathloop.

I love this game. Starts out holding your hand a bit too much. Felt like I was over an hour in and still getting bombarded with tutorials. But once you get past that and gain your freedom, it's a blast. The hunt between you and the other player was so dope.

The game is definitely better than the trailers would lead you to believe, but felt too linear. I got tired of the banter pretty quickly. Combat was unique and fun.

Tragic and beautiful story. One of the only games that have ever made me genuinely laugh. Definitely some dialogue that could go over my head, especially the ones that get very wordy. All worth it for the journey. My vote for best narrative ever in a video game.

Gameplay and story is very good. Open-world exploration had its highs but wasn't the most interesting world to explore.

Everything you would want from a Spider-Man game. Nothing shocking from a gameplay perspective but very well done. Took more risks with the story and thought it paid off.

Couldn't quite catch on to the gameplay like I would in Devil May Cry. Appreciate its differences and love the style. Liked it enough to want to give the rest of the series a try. But probably won't replay this game.


Great art style. Great music. Roguelites aren't for me, but for a roguelite I enjoyed this game. Pretty addictive.

Incredible sequel. After the complete switch up that GoW 2018 was, playing Ragnarok definitely wasn't as much of a shock. But they polished up on what they built and made an amazing game. Very happy with the narrative, gameplay was exhilarating, and performances were all great. It did feel like some lines had some MCU-movie vibes though, and I could definitely use less of that going forward.
Felt like this game had more annoying enemies than 2018, but still appreciated the enemy variety. Fantastic game that lived up to the hype.

This was my first time playing Mass Effect. I remember watching the GameTrailers reviews over and over as a teen, just wishing I had a Xbox 360 to play it. This package is great to dive into and immediately made this one of my favorite series. They did a great job touching up Mass Effect 1. Even though Mass Effect 2 is my favorite of the series, there is a certain charm of the 1st game that I love.
ME3 is fine. I lowered the difficulty not because it is hard, but because I wanted to just get through it. It did get better halfway thru the game. But definitely lost the flavor it had from the previous two games.

Another stellar remake from Capcom. RE2 original definitely handled the interaction between the two campaigns better. How they handled it in RE2 remake was a bit clumsy. Outside of that, they captured the spirit while still allowing this remake to stand on its own merits. I like remakes that border close to reimaginings, so I love this game. True survival horror. Every time I dive back into this game I'm amazed again.

My favorite game in my favorite series. RE4 Wii Edition is the first RE game I ever played. I've played this game on PS3, PS4, & PS5, but consider the Wii version with the motion controls the best version. Motion controls were perfectly integrated and it had all the additional content like Mercenaries, Separate Ways, and Assignment Ada.

This is action horror. Definitely moves in a different direction from previous games in the series, but this still has enough horror aspects to be called horror. I've heard from multiple people who have played this game that don't play too many horror games that they consider it scary.

Gameplay, environment, and enemy design are A+. Final Boss could've been more memorable. Shifting the needle more towards horror could have worked for me as well. But this game is perfect for me and probably the most replayable game of all time.

No one does remakes like Capcom. Masterfully respects the original while improving and updating multiple aspects. This game is pretty much the perfect Resident Evil game. Atmosphere is unmatched. Managing your resources is a necessity. I played this game so much the game isn't scary to me anymore. It's my comfort game. The score is beautiful.

First time playing through, you can get lost pretty easily. My first playthrough took me over 10 hours. Once you get a hang of it and start replaying the game, you can definitely get that under 4 if not shorter.