A game about grief and death and hospice care. A very good game about grief and death and hospice care, but I can definitely see why people might not be in the right mindset to play it.

Marketing for this game focused on it being a battle tactics game way more than it should have. I would say that this game is a visual novel with battle tactics elements.

Which isn't a bad thing! I like visual novels! But after years and years of marketing telling me it was a battle tactics game, I expected a battle tactics game, you know? I got decently far into this game on a first playthrough and did enjoy it, but I didn't end up finishing it for one reason or another. I want to go back to it, but I know that the game itself also needs to be beaten more than once to get to the true ending, and that is... well, a lot.

Every single game wishes that it were Cave Story.

Pretty fun pokemon yellow remake that is obviously geared towards children and more casual players. Really fun that they let you ride on some pokemon.

When I was a child this game pissed me off so badly that I had a fit of rage and snapped my DS straight in half. No game has ever made me that mad before or since.

Have a fond place in my heart for this game, especially because I think that in terms of mechanics, it improved on everything the first game did.

The best Zelda game on the DS. Kind of made me feel like Zelda should be present throughout more games, because her being able to just hang out with you was awesome.

The missing half star is that they shouldn't have replaced the Luxray tribe with the Manectric tribe.

5/5 for being the Sonic game I felt like 100%ing and for giving me Blaze the Cat.