Really cute little puyo puyo game. That said, why is SLEGGAR a playable character????

They made this game so that I would see it in a Walmart when I was like six and go "Sonic!" and then get stuck on it for years and it still ends up my favorite Sonic game. Or one of them.

This was THE coolest game when I was younger and still holds up today. I actually really like the way that this game tries very hard to interweave the story plots with those of the actual show.

I will be honest. Hamtaro Rainbow Rescue is a downgrade from Hamtaro Ham-Ham Heartbreak and Ham-Hams Unite. It doesn't have the in-depth range of commands to interact with the world, and that's kind of a let down.

But I still think it's pretty good and solid! The game is fun.

It's really important to note that this game is a really excellent one, and that it very much builds on themes of friendship and caring about each other & the systems that are present in the prequel game, Ham-Hams Unite.

I want to be clear. This is a nostalgia 5/5. But this is my favorite creature collecting game ever and is the standard I hold other games to. I had both Dawn and Dusk, but I'm marking Dusk above Dawn because it just straight up had more story in it.

By god. I love ranching slimes.

A nice & fun little farming simulation game that I really enjoy. Obviously is an indie cornerstone that everyone enjoys. Every time there's a major update I find myself sinking anywhere from a hundred to a hundred and fifty extra hours into the game.

I did have to play this game with the Japanese voice acting because it was so distracting to me that I knew Mega Man's voice actor the most from playing Young Xehanort in Kingdom Hearts. However, that's a me problem & the performance was excellent!

But, more importantly, a Mega Man game with voice acting that's good? That's crazy! I'm so used to the exact opposite. I love all of the Robot Masters, I think that the gimmicks of this game were fun, and my only complaint is that the stages themselves are pretty easy.

This game combines a roguelite dungeon crawler game with a base-simulator game and has very pleasing aesthetics. And I really do love Cult of the Lamb, and I enjoy the story, but in terms of actual mechanics, both sides feel... a little bit half baked? They're still quite good, but I've just played other base-builder/management games that are more in-depth & I've played other roguelite games that have tighter controls that feel better than CotL's. It's definitely really fun to play though, I've gotten it for both Switch and PC because I enjoy playing it on the go and I've definitely put more than a hundred hours into the game.

Controls are a little finickiness but click after enough gameplay. And it's so iconic, I'm always sad that we'll probably never get another NiGHTS game.

Pretty fun fighting game that has lore that I'd love to get the complete version of someday. Kind of edgy, but I have a really fond place in my heart for Skullgirls. This game is really an old favorite that I'll play if I feel like practicing a fighting game again.

What can I say about Sonic Mania that other people haven't already? It's the Sonic game that every Sonic game wants to be these days, and is a good throwback to form regarding 2D Sonic games, especially after how Sonic 4 was received. A fun game that I return to whenever I get the 2D Sonic itch and replaying S3&K doesn't solve.

Baba is... me? Baba is... love? Baba love Keke? A puzzle game that really stretches your brain out but is a lot of fun. Highly recommend.

It's a fine DND game, but I think I'm so burned out on 5e that I don't care for it much right now.