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this game stung for being too real
her mentioning how she won't name her diagnosis because she wants you to know her for her genuinely made me step back for a second crying
the seemingly joke about being scared of the letter o and then finding out its definitely her thinking about jumping off her floor in her apartment complex was extremely disturbing as well


yume nikki but its even more personal to me because hypochondria and chronic illness (flex emoji flex emoji)
also ruined me, also love it

cool as hell
love the art style and gameplay
pretty cool characters
some of the best and most fair yet frustrating bosses ive ever fought

interesting concept, being on the secondary enemy side in the original. also very interesting new aliens in the form of race x (except FUCK shock troopers)
night vision was kinda whatever, but the other new weapons were pretty cool
rope physics are terrible but thank god you barely need to use them

this game is a fucking masterpiece. almost every line in here has added something i relate a scary amount to to the point the entire experience is just..viscerally uncomfortable, yet in such a way i need to see more. some of the chat logs feel scarily similar to things i know i have or probably will say and it's unbelievable

i think i boosted the average rating giving it this

i wanted it SO badly to be good. it has its moments but come on... yume nikki :(
it makes me want to play a better yume nikki game in this style, puzzles and such are a pretty cool thing to add even if they make yume nikki less of a "meditative" practice or whatever as opposed to making it an actual game

also. how is this the final update (twitter sobbing emoji) you cant even jump up and to the right in the 3d areas

remarkably solid tower defense
iconic as hell

so THIS is how the series ends :[

egh. anyway, apparently this game was supposed to clean up loose ends. it answered next to nothing and glossed over what it does
its also the most boring aesthetic by far (almost all grungy grimey or super clean white future tech) and even the puzzles were less interesting. easily the worst zero escape, and a damn shame for such a good series thusfar. it's still not BAD persay but both of the games sweep this one extremely hard and the first game swept the second like a professional so its insane

honestly could be the best one of any of the shovel knight campaigns but i still prefer specter of torment even if it was incredibly short compared to the rest
the fact they added an ENTIRE card game for this and you can completely skip it is insane
also an entirely new take on level progression vs the other 75% of shovel knight which was interesting but executed very well

fruit basket murder mystery
naoreko my beloved

this is one of those games that you cannot find a second person who actually knows what the fuck this is (especially now that its been taken off the app stores and the in game shop servers shut down) but if you can find a save file for things like maxed equipment/partners just so you can play through the full thing its actually fairly solid

she just like me FR FR she is ME i am HER. except im not talented

hugely overhyped. very rough around the edges
-when it comes to melee, the knife is too weak for when you get it, but is the only one of the 3 you can use for more than a room that's easy to connect
-melee also feels very inconsistent, the hammer being anywhere from a 1 hit to a 3 hit for the weakest enemy in the game despite dealing "the most damage" according to the wiki
-ammo is extremely rare for long stretches of time, especially for your slot 4 (i think there's less than 30 shots for it in the entire game)
-sounds are very often overly loud to the point i had to take a tylenol half way through
-way too dark even with max gamma for the prospect of having a very limited battery on your flashlight (even if it recharges up to a minute and 15 seconds of battery)
-a LOT of flashing lights

not to mention, unlike later in cry of fear, the "choices" for 3 of the 4 endings are super poorly telegraphed -- which direction you go out of a subway. fucking WHAT

it's insane how far the devs went after this to go directly into cry of fear and have it be so much better in almost every way

ALSO FUUUUUCK THE HALF-LIFE 1 FLASHLIGHT LMAOO its so bad. the level design here made it so much harder to use and its already deplorably pisspoor at its job