This game feels like they could’ve maybe let it cook a little longer. At the moment, it feels pretty bare in terms of content. I’m sure this will pick up, but I can’t help myself feeling disappointed with the lack of things to do once the story is finished. That said, the gameplay is great and I really loved to see 3D era characters return, I enjoyed most of the story too even if it did get a bit wacky at the end.

Probably the best fighting game I’ve ever played, absolutely loved my time with it and I don’t even like fighting games much. The story was pretty great too but the most fun I had was unlocking outfits for my characters in the towers and playing online.

Didn’t quite hit the heights of the original sadly, 9/10 for me.

This review was written before the game released

No ten until Walter White is added.

That super boss can catch these hands smh

Has to be the worst game I’ve ever played. Honestly the only reason it gets a half star is the graphics are nice. That’s it.

Had a lot of fun playing this for the most part, I feel the game peaks really early and you fight best colossi early on. Also wasn’t a fan of the horses controls and actually navigating the land was mind numbing at times. Still loved it though.

Mixed feelings on this, I really loved the sections with the Alien and enjoyed getting killed by the incredible AI non-stop. I feel like the game was a few hours longer than it should’ve been and constantly turning on generators etc got boring sometimes.

Enjoyed playing this for the most part, it was fun revisiting the world of Samurai Jack even if the gameplay felt a bit lacklustre for me. At times the game can look beautiful though and overall I had a good time playing it.

Will always love replaying this.

If I’m honest I don’t feel this has aged fantastically. That said, I do think it’s a good game. Maybe my nostalgia built it up in my head too much.

An absolute masterpiece, 10/10.